Hucking Rocks

Discussion in 'Sports' started by Coz the Shroom, May 22, 2023.

  1. Coz the Shroom

    Coz the Shroom Members

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    I like hucking rocks. I whip them far and wide, rocks as big as tennis balls. sometimes tennis balls. sometimes I'll find a coyote mellon and chuck those around. Once a rock is hurking and lurping through the aire, better not get in the way! I love lobbing stones! They break the branches when I thwap them away. I'm not trying to lapidate any small animals. To be fair I saw an elk one time and hurked at him. I knew he was too far away. I didn't want to hurt him. Tennis balls are fun to whip at things. gourdes from the coyote mellon or tennis balls fly really well. I can chunk those around with deatly accuracy!
    If I hit you in the chest with a big rounded stone, why it might even break yer ribbis!
    It might crack open your skull and leave you gizzering and spazzing in a pool of blood as the life leaves yer botty.

    This tennis ball just took 100 METERS!

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