I guess I could find answer googling. ..But I'd rather get a answer from a hands on grower... I'm not inexsperienced at indoor or outdoor growing... Though it's been been been 6 years since I've done either... and I love in Massachusetts. .. We're half assed legal now... My last indoor were 100 plant under 8 1000w hps. ..foxfarm soil...blah blah blah... It was exspencive electric wise.. I'm looking at LED Lights on Amazon. .. And I've done alittle monthly electric cost of 1000w - 2000w LED Lights... Seems monthly costs per month are around $120 running a single 1000w LED 12 hours a day during flowering.. And $160 a month 18 hours a day for a auto flowering strain... Does this sound about right to you folks ? My old HPS'S ran me abtout $800 a month or more...and the heat from them was the other issue.. any feed back would be helpful. .. Thank you