I'm still working and out and about which is keeping me relatively sane. It was a wet and windy weekend so I didn't really get out then, passed the time on my computer, and learning a Steely Dan song on my new guitar.
Not a lot of changes for me Home, alone in my designer office with music and refreshments to hand. Same degree of freedom - in short = rather nice
You are always welcome Candy There'll be lots to do ... Cleaning Cooking, And of course ... Cuddling xxx
I am a socialite and enjoy cask ale at the pubs we go to . So for me personally it has been a struggle and has had a negative impact on my mental health . I am a little relieved now as it has been announced by the BBC that the Tier system will be reinstated on December 4th with according to them a little strengthening on mixing in people's homes .
Isolation from my friends and missing meals out in the restaurants has been tough, but I am resilient and so far, managing to cope.
I take care of my mate, who suffered a severe concussive TBI in a high-speed collision over a year and a half ago. Pre-pandemic, I was out of the house twice a week all winter, hiking with a couple of groups, which was really good 'forest therapy' for my head. I was also facilitating a Buddhist meditation group once a week, with about a half-dozen folks attending consistently; a nascent sangha.COVID-19 nixed all that. As my mate can no longer hike or negotiate the canoe or kayak, I got her a little antiquated pontoon boat to cruise the lake on, which has worked out amazingly well for us; she finds it very relaxing, and I take it out solo sometimes just to get out of the house and chill for a little while. Nowdays, she's actively suicidal, and I promised the Doc. that I'd stay with her 24/7, so, here I sit. No respite for me for a while.
shopping in local Asian shops for my groceries ,and a cupboard full of homemade beer ,that I made in august ,LOCKDOWN ? WHAT LOCKDOWN ,I DIDNT EVEN NOTICE
Don't give up folks,here in Victoria Melbourne was locked down for 112 days ,today we have 28 days with zero cases ,zero deaths,no active cases so we have "eliminated" the virus ,of course it could and probably will come back but for now we celebrate.
As long as you are not meeting up with other groups, getting out for walks in the country and possibly on your boat is not breaking any isolation rules. In fact, here in the UK, taking regular exercise is advised as a means of staying healthy and more resistant to viruses and colds. At the end of the day, it is all about common sense.
Seems the 'North' isn't very good at that, since you all managed not only to re-elect the scumbag 'nasty party' but even give them a larger majority !!!
I didn't vote, and it wasn't because I couldn't be arsed, it was simply that both parties are a bunch of self serving tossers, people go on about if you don't vote then it's your fault if the winner isn't a party you like, well in my case I can feel rather smug, neither Labour nor Tory offered anything I wanted and the minority parties had sod all chance of getting in plus most of their idea's are either shite or totally unworkable so I decided not to bother, so there, they're all wankers and I didn't vote for any of them, so don't blame me. lol
It's not just isolating due to Covid restrictions; my mate's suicidal, and her doctor doesn't want her to be left alone. She's also very ill and in a great deal of pain, so getting out of the house is often not an option for her (and by extension, me).