Hey everyone!!! Just joined!!! As you can probably tell from my name, I was born in 1994 (wow, I'm almost 25) and am from NJ. Sadly, off the immediate Jersey Shore, barefooting seems to be frowned upon here, but I am nevertheless trying to do it more. What's strange is my turnaround from hating bare feet to loving them. Up until 2008 or so, I would wear closed-toed shoes when going out and always wear socks at home. I stopped wearing socks that summer, each year ditching socks in the house more and more. In 2012, I started college and realized just how much my feet love to sweat. The following summer, I bought my first pair of flip-flops for non-shower use and wore them around. I wore the sandals more and more each year, before finally going 34 days straight without any closed-toed shoes in the late summer and early fall of 2015. Fast-forward a few years later, by 2017, I decided to go barefoot outside when I can, and now, in 2019, I only wear footwear when I absolutely have to--work, formal occasions, and businesses (I know it's legal to go barefoot, I just hate having confrontations with retail employees).. That's my story. What're yours?!
Monday is Earth Day, a perfect day to be barefoot and one with the earth, as long as its not snowing and half way warm.....LOL!!!
I started going barefoot by taking my shoes and socks off that's how I started to go barefoot. True story, feel free to use.
Until I was 13 or so, I always wore shoes and socks. One summer day in Florida, I was hanging at home and took off my sneakers. My feet felt even warmer, so I yanked off my socks, and was instantly hooked.
I was rather foot-shy as a child, but one day as a rebellious teen, I realized that I really liked the feeling of my bare feet touching the ground. I came to crave the feeling, and still do.
I was spending a lot of summer time skateboarding in 90+ degree weather, and I got tired of hot, sweaty feet. I figured if the guys in the 70’s could do it, I could too. It was complete freedom. I realized my ankles needed some more strengthening so I started doing all my hiking barefoot. It made hiking much more fun. Hiking in the rain is a lot less troublesome. You don’t get bogged up. Now I do everything I can barefoot, and I am working muscles throughout my body that I never realized would be effected by the unsrestricted exercise of my feet. My arches are higher, my calves are more powerful, my posture is better and my core strength is significantly improved. When I skate, I have better style and control, and when I hike I forget speed and meld into the natural system.
Started Full Time Barefooting Back In August 2006 After Reading That It Was Possible To Be Barefoot Even In Snow And Frost......So Here I Am 12 Years And 8 Months Later And Still Barefoot...... I Love It Just As Much Today As I Did All Those Years Ago....... And I Have Told Friends That I Wish To Be Buried Barefoot....(but not sometime soon)......LOL..... Cheers Glen.
I just wanted to see if I could adapt to it. See if my feet would get tougher. That's not what exactly what happens and there is plenty written on what does we all know and I found I could function just fine without shoes, doesn't take long, it became the new normal then if I had to wear them I was like this sucks I can't feel the ground. I never set out to quit wearing shoes. I guess what happened is I just don't need them anymore.
Get out ! Florida is so much better. These beach towns there is no social pressure to wear shoes. I could do a long rant on the "tri state area" and not about shoes Sadly. Should have ditched that place years before I did.
Florida, eh? They don't care if you're barefoot? Plus it's warm most of the time. I wish I could live the rest of my life without shoes. I really hate the feeling of anything on my feet.
When I visit my friends in Florida, I go barefoot the whole time. They're in a beach town, and bare feet are fairly common.
at a local jersey mall back in 1979 saw a barefoot guy shopping. went home and kept thinking about the liberated feeling that he must have felt. decided to go back to the mall the next day and try it myself. heart pounding, nervous and sweating I walked every inch and every level of that mall ! from that point I was hooked ! barefooting has been a great joy in my life !!!
I guess were are the lucky few here that realize the joys of bare feet, too bad more never realize the pleasure it brings. The world would be a better place if more people discovered the "soul" in their soles.
I have often thought that I would like to be buried barefoot too, .......and in a cotton knit nite shirt........sort of like this: