With the exception of a few whacked out individuals, family gets along great. But those few that we don’t get along with, are toxic have destabilized the rest of the family.
We get along pretty good mainly because everyone is funny and are always going for laughs. How about you, Lady?
Most of my family have moved away and I have no idea where they went to. That should tell you something.
My family needs to smoke and chill out. All are to hyped up. I'm the normal one compared to everyone else in the family.
We all get along. I don't miss the family reunions. I won't mention any names, but we had one family who showed us to eat. All were asked to bring some kind of side dish, and this couple would never bring any thing. Funny part to this story. A family member made the remark; Would you want to eat any thing they did bring? Good point.