My community college teacher in 1996 was telling us about Jacob Syndrome (also known as XYY Syndrome). They have an extra male, or Y, chromosome as their 23rd pair. People used to think they were violent, because an unusually high percentage of them are in prison. Obviously because their condition seems to be linked to violence in some way. But upon closer examination, my teacher told us, just as many are not in prison. It could be due to a number of factors. But my teacher pointed out, it could be because the ones who are free are better at controlling themselves. And they have made the right choices in life too. Probably including getting help when they needed it, if they felt their circumstances or situation could lead to criminal or wrong behavior. It probably isn't easy for them, he pointed out. And when I was in grade school we'd say they definitely have a heavier cross to bear. But you know. If you have a friend or neighbor, or family member, who is struggling to be a good person. And struggling in other ways too, because of this, or another problem they have, or circumstance out of their control, always remember. As long as they remain decent and law-abiding, they deserve our support. And they should be applauded if it is difficult to remain clean and out of trouble. Don't condemn them because you think they have a flaw in their character because of some preexisting condition that makes them more likely to commit crime. They haven't yet. And it is for that they should be judged. And praised too. It's only when people break the rules that they need to be criticized and denounced. Not just because they might break the rules some day, or are statistically more likely because of their condition or situation to do that. Always remember that.