Never tried shrooms.. but i will one day and i want to know how its like so i can kind of have an idea. read the experience reports especially, this will give you some idea of what to expect.
yeah i really can't imagine sex on any sort of psychedelic. seems to me like it would be pretty awful.
I wouldn't consider them one of the strongest psychedelic aphrodisiacs but they do have a rather primal feeling to them sometimes, which I could see being channeled into sexual energy. I tend to find Psychedelic Phenethylamines (MDMA, 2cb, Mescaline) better as aphrodisiacs but of Psychedelic Tryptamines, 5-meo-mipt tends to elicit a fairly strong libidinous response.
i've had sex on mushrooms. It made me feel super awkward! I felt totally uncoordinated and out of tune with my partner. I felt like there wasn't really a connection between myself and my partner; like we weren't on the same level together. that was the only time I ever did that. We tried to watch some Star Wars on laser disc (does anybody remember those big ole cd discs the size of a record before dvd? anyway...) but it was shaping up to be a pretty rotten trip so I think I split up with her. I don't think we finished the trip together. I used to really love tripping. It was totally my thing, but that particular experience wasn't very cool. Some of the better stuff I've experienced has been just amusing myself listening to music, or like trying to play the guitar.
i think my best non-nature tripping experience was sonic the hedgehog. the guys who created that had to have had psychedelics in mind.
I haven't really tried it. My experiences are similar to what soulcompromise describes. Weed is the only drug that has put me in that mindset.
Not even Mescaline? Weed's alright but the Phenethylamines are on another level. I believe there was a brief window between MDMA being scheduled and 2cb being scheduled where the latter was sold in threshold doses as an aphrodisiac at head shops.
it doesn't work on 65+ people,Irmi...neither does LSD or changa(bwahah) i go for the weed and pure sex...and the crazyness of love me imitating the Pope on a gig few years ago i was less tattooed then,must be 4 years ago...they said i got a nice ass...
I've thought tactile things feel sensually good on Mescaline but not really in a sexual way. Not that sex seems uninteresting, but in that direction. I'd never come up with the idea myself.
When you put it that way, had it not been for exploring MDMA first in a sexual context, I doubt I would have explored mescaline in that way either. It's not like I was like "Let's consume this disgusting ass cactus juice and Get it on!" Lol.