How Visual Advertising Will Change Marketing In 2017

Discussion in 'Science and Technology' started by Openmind693, Jan 22, 2017.

  1. Openmind693

    Openmind693 Members

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    I have been surfing around the web and now most of the places I could read an article won't let me because I use an add blocker. This is an increasing trend, and it bothers me that the sites that use to let me read now restrict me because I block their adds. So, what they are saying to me is that you have to see the adds to read on their site. I know there are many sites that will not block me. They stay afloat because they get most ( if not all ) their money on a donate basis. Is the internet our new market place? Here is something I could read about this subject...
  2. Wu Li Heron

    Wu Li Heron Members

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    What it doesn't say is that AI will be increasingly coming into focus as the means to get your message out. Every sector of the semiconducting and programming industries are focused on AI, as is Wall Street and others who have no choice but to invest in high tech solutions that offer more speed, power, and and bang for your buck. AI hardware, software, and anything you can think of is about to explode on the market and change the way everyone does business. Within three years at most every cellphone made will include ai built into its chip simply because it is becoming outrageously cheaper and more effective. Circuitry that takes up almost no space on a chip and uses no power will do routine tasks such as face and voice recognition and software that can already judge your moods and expressions better than most humans already exists. Intel is including its own version of similar circuitry this year in their server chips and we should see it the next generation consumer goods.

    A few years ago I told people the next generation internet would be verbal and phones that take spoken commands have become commonplace despite people laughing at the idea as too far fetched when I suggested it. What's coming next are the avatars where people will have their own complex AI that can follow them in the cloud or whatever and provide a companion tailored to their personal needs, desires, and budget. Companies like Microsoft and Google understand it is the software that controls the hardware and where the programs begin and advertising ends becomes debatable and, sometimes, a distinction of dubious value. Already, two computer systems have been built with a significantly better than average sense of humor and you ain't seen nothing yet with things no doubt getting weird because its also a Japanese specialty and they now how to mess with your mind. Eventually we will have what is known as the IoT or internet of things which will eventually take on more obvious organic characteristics as the software starts to take on a life of its own. Already the programs are teaching one another how to learn and the mathematics of the human brain, life, the universe, and everything should be exposed for the world sometime within the next few years to decades.

    Chip manufactures and scientists have already figured out how to put twenty radio antennas on a single chip and recently how to work with terahertz infrared radiation that can go through walls and provide terabytes of cellphone bandwidth which is enough to run a Star Trek holodeck. NYC is setting up a system now that they want to eventually convert to terahertz communications. IBM's famous Watson that won on Jeopardy surprised everyone again when he acquired an unsolicited case of potty mouth and that's the kind of future we can expect, where sometimes, the machines take on a life of their own. Its down the rabbit hole or toilet of your preference because these computers and robots won't resemble anything anyone is familiar with and advertising is about to become a much more exact science when the machines understand us better than anyone else.

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