Can someone tell me how to see the latest visitors to my profile. I used to be able to see it, but can't anymore. I can go into other peoples profiles and see their latest visitors but not my own?
Lol. There's an option you select in your edit profile to be able to see the last 5 viewed, but then everyone else gets to see that too. Hope that helped.
I've looked at that little check button many times and missed it, because I wasn't really looking for it, something about my expectations, the site changed and I couldn't see recent visitors anymore so I assumed it was just like that now. It's crazy how sometimes something really obvious can elude you.
Yeah, sometimes I misplace things and can't find them. I look everywhere and rip stuff apart, when the thing is actually in a rather obvious place. I just can't find it because for some reason my mind expects that it must be somewhere really hard to find so I unconsciously ignore the "easy to find" places.