hellooo does anyone know of any good 'how to' websites to make hemp necklaces and such, with pictures along with the instructions? thank ya!
Oh me too! I don't know how, but I found a website that tells how to do it http://www.rubysbeadwork.com/BFTutorial.html well when i get some money to get the supplies, i'm going to try it!
here's a couple websites. Do some google searches for macrame & knot tying you should find some good stuff http://jewelrymaking.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?site=http://www.elainecraft.com/instructions/instructions.html & http://jewelrymaking.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?site=http://tac.shopnetmall.com/www.funroom.com/summer/macrame.html Hope this helps you
I'm selling soleless sandals on ebay! I made a whole bunch for Bonnaroo, but I need money now, so I'm selling some ahead of time. I actually wanted to keep them for myself....oh, well. Check them out! They don't suck. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4111173061&sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT&rd=1
HappyHaHaGirl i went to that link & those definitely look cool, but i wanted to offer some words of advice. For ebay users you should show a picture of them on a foot. That way people can see how they look on. Just an idea Hope you sell lots and have plenty of $$$ for bonnaroo ~in love n light~
i would suggest elaines craft coner of what ever its called. but some one already gave out the link. i'll look for the sole less sandals and post it later
Oh I love these....I made some a long time ago to ware to my prom. It was very pretty. I think I will do the same for my wedding. Hay i have a book with directions and pics I will have to post them up for you guys.
I'll try to get a foot photo up. I just don't have a digital camera and I hate to have to use up a whole roll of film, so I just scanned the sandals. I guess I could scan my foot... I only have one pair up right now, but I have lots more that will be up soon. Thanks!
hey kids, the sandals are realli neat, but im just wondering, they aren't really sandles if they have no sole? i mean, it's more like a really intricate anklet or something, or at least that's what it seems to me... i guess this way you can go barefoot and fool people into thinking you are wearing shoes? some peopel think you should ALWAYS be wearing shoes (gross)
Did anyone find a picture with those on a foot? I really can't picture them. I would love to see them on a foot
Hey your welcome! I'm also very craft 'challenged' too probably because i don't have much experience! I need like..really SPECIFIC and slow directions!
http://www.knotingwork.com/Pages/knots/basic_knots5.html thats a really cool site there, but i think your best bet is to go to your hometown library bc i bet they got access to a whole TON of books maybe even be able to get some from other states delivered to you for free. at least my library does and i come from a small town LOL so check that out. I just got a new book delivered to there for free and now am learning new braids for my hemp. feel free to check my site out and all the stuff i have created. My Crafts section, Beads and Other Crafts is where you would want to go but feel free to check it all out www.dawnson64.piczo.com
http://www.elainecraft.com/instructions/instructions.html http://www.knotingwork.com/ those are some good ones
Here are a few that I've found that have been helpful. http://jewelrymaking.allinfoabout.com/features/hempspiral.html http://jewelrymaking.allinfoabout.com/features/hempfish.html The spiral is probably the easiest one you can make. Once you get the basic square knot down almost everything else is just a matter of getting creative. Someone should make this a sticky, or make a new thread with more organized links then stick that...