How to have a chick date you?

Discussion in 'Love and Sex' started by Grandeur, Feb 15, 2020.

  1. Grandeur

    Grandeur Members

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    I dont understand how some men have chicks date them.

    For me, having a chick date me is as impossible as me flying to the moon.

    Either they are too perfect or I am too low.

    I've always found it interesting when I see a man dating a female human being.
  2. Altman

    Altman Bull

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    It's not that hard bro. First thing is take a bath, second is all you have to do is stike up a conversation, look decent. Watch some YouTube vids. Get your self esteem up too
    Just for fun and NubbinsUp like this.
  3. It's really not as complicated as you're making it out to be. It's really simple actually.
    It's important to take care of yourself hygienically, treat them with respect, and just be yourself. Never look for a girl that wants something that you have or that you can give her rather than just wanting you for you.
  4. Grandeur

    Grandeur Members

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    Maybe because I have a face of a pig?
  5. NubbinsUp

    NubbinsUp Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    A date is simply an arrangement to meet. For it to happen, you need to propose a date, time, place to meet, and activity. That's four elements. Since you're the one asking, if there's food or entertainment involved, be prepared to pay the entire cost - it's implied in any invitation, romantic or otherwise, and everyone with good manners should understand this already. The one who invites is the host and is offering to provide the food or entertainment, unless the parties are explicit in agreeing otherwise.

    If she is interested and available, she will say 'yes'. If she is interested but not available, she will offer a counter-proposal, such as at a different time or different meeting place - you should be prepared to say 'yes'. If she says 'no', accept that and move along. Ask someone else.

    My guess is that you aren't even asking. Dating begins with an invitation. If you aren't extending an invitation, you have no hope of dating.

    'Let's get together sometime' isn't an invitation. A 'yes' won't lead to a date. It lacks all four required elements.

    It's a side note, but keep thinking of women as 'chicks to be had', and you have no hope of dating. That may be the true source of your problem at this point.
    SluttyJess likes this.
  6. Grandeur

    Grandeur Members

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    It is bad whatever the way I think of a woman.

    Because they are women but I am a man.

    It is double standart (or standard). Women can do anything they wish but if I talk to a woman that I dont know, It is enough of a reason for me to get beaten to death.

    But a woman can do all the slutness. They are free. Because they are women.

    If god exists, I am very angry with that god because I wasn't born a female.

    I would fuck a god like that.
  7. Grandeur

    Grandeur Members

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    I am a 29 year old man and I didnt get anything respecting a woman because I am not handsome. I dont feel like respecting them. Because it didnt get me anywhere.
  8. Grandeur

    Grandeur Members

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    In Turkey, a woman can do anything she wishes. Woman can do any slutness It is free for them.

    But a man should fuck the stay away from a woman who he doesnt know or even does know at times!!!!!

    In this country, you will experience the biggest double standard.

    A 46 year old woman bacame with a 17 year old guy. She didnt get any pubisment.

    If the opposite happened, all country would stand up. It would be for the guy to have great pubisment.

    Women are free to do anything as I said.
  9. Grandeur

    Grandeur Members

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    If god really exists, I will fuck that god for not having me born a female.

    Being a male sucks.
  10. Grandeur

    Grandeur Members

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    As a 29 year old man, not only for 17 but also a 25 year old woman, I would get beaten up where I would end up in a hospital for only talking. Yes. Talking is enough. It is.
  11. Grandeur

    Grandeur Members

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    I think women have the pleasure of being women in most part of this world.
  12. desert-rat

    desert-rat Senior Member

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    If you can get beatten to death just for talking to a strange woman the laws in your part of the world are different from the west . You might see if there are any women in sex chat rooms in your part of the world . Once you cyber with them your no longer strange . Just be careful of gender fakers . Meet any one in a public place ect . On fucking God , I would go for a Goddess .
  13. NubbinsUp

    NubbinsUp Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    There are places where people date to find a mate, and places where marriages are arranged by families. If you are not allowed to talk to women, you live in the latter, not the former.

    Instead of daydreaming about fucking god because you were born male, you should be angry with either your parents for not having already arranged a marriage for you, or angry with yourself for having so little to offer a prospective bride and for doing so little with what you do have. Have your parents, uncles, or whoever is the head of your family arrange a marriage for you. However, you, individually, have to bring something to the table. That's up to you, not your god. Take some initiative.

    Instead of complaining, mold yourself into a more magnificent human being, and devote your attention and energy not to the dates you don't have but rather to making the world a better place for others.

    If all you're doing here is hosting a pity party, count me out. I don't attend pity parties.
    Grandeur likes this.

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