How to Give a Safe Blowjob

Discussion in 'Oral Sex' started by cupy, Nov 16, 2013.

  1. cupy

    cupy Member

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    I know Oral sex is not safe sex . But how do you you know if someone has STD if you give someone Blowjob they will never tell you f they have STD. Its not pleasure for them to wear condom .How do I find out if someone have a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD)?
  2. Justin_Hale

    Justin_Hale ( •_•)⌐■-■ ...(⌐■_■)

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  3. cupy

    cupy Member

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  4. eggsprog

    eggsprog anti gang marriage HipForums Supporter

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    They make flavoured condoms basically for this reason.
  5. nz male

    nz male Senior Member

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    You can use a condom as a dental dam if you cut it at both ends, unfold it & place it against a woman's genitals & just stroke your tongue over it with some lube in between the condom & her. That's a safe way for oral to.
  6. nz male

    nz male Senior Member

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    Yeah , you just don't get the same skin contact & sensations thou with one fitted. That's a negative thing.

    WOLF ANGEL Senior Member - A Fool on the Hill Lifetime Supporter

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    Take No Chances - "Bless them, for they may not know"

    "They make flavoured condoms basically for this reason." ((eggsprog))


  8. Ice_Cool

    Ice_Cool Member

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    You can NEVER EVER know just by the look. Also be carefull if you are giving a blowjob and some semen goes into your eye that is technicaly equivilant to an open wond contact.

    Just make it with a condom or settle for a hand job which is 100% safe (just watch out for the cum explosion not to go into your eyes)
  9. Just_a_woman

    Just_a_woman Member

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    Yes, you can't never know if somebody is clean of STDs.

    One clue to know they do have STDs is when they tell you they don't. Another clue is when the guy doesn't wanna wear a condom. It means he probably didn't wanna wear it with other women/men before you.

    I find it very attractive when a guy wants to wear a condom and comes prepared with several.

    Remember: even if he has a test result to show you, perhaps he had something which was contracted too soon to be detected by the tests he'd taken, or he got something after the tests. Some illness will only show on a test several months after the deed.
  10. *MAMA*

    *MAMA* Perfectly Imperfect

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    Oh lawd. The thought of giving head with a condom makes me want to vomit. :puke:
  11. KingWilly

    KingWilly Member

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    So yes there is a risk, but not nearly the same risk as having unprotected sex, but there is a risk for some STD's, only way to really protect yourself is with the use of a condom. In this day and age you either trust someone (dumb), have unprotected sex (really dumb), get blood tests (smart but takes waiting and again trust), or have protected sex (very smart)

    Herpes is I believe the biggest threat as it is transferable through oral sex, and for which there is no cure, while not life threatening you cannot get rid of it...

    AIDS which is probably the biggest "life threatening" disease can only be transmitted through blood, so if you don't have any open sores in your mouth there is no risk, even swallowed cum gets killed by your stomach.

    HPV I don't know too much about and is said to be transferable through oral sex, but again I don't know much about it and we are learning more about this condition and what all it can cause down the road which potentially isn't good, unless you like cancer

    Other forms of STD's can be transferred through oral sex, although they are curable, but can certainly cause some damage along the way.

    So bottom line, most of what you can get isn't life threatening, but that said who wants to catch anything period!
  12. PineMan

    PineMan Senior Member

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    Even having a test result which confirms a partner to be all clear would still have me concerned. After all, the result is only valid up to the date of the test itself, plus there was probably a good reason why he / she decided to undergo the test in the first place.

    I know that some years ago, if a person had undergone an AIDS test, insurance companies would up the premiums, regardless of the results. That is until this practice was outlawed, as it was putting people off getting tested.
  13. MochaMood

    MochaMood Member

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    You people who warn there must be a reason why a person who shows test results got tested in the first place make me laugh. I am always willing to show results, and mine are never ilder than three months if I've lain with anyone other than my husband. When I've only been with my husband, my results might be up to six months old. I sleep around. Regular testing is fucking responsible, and is a huge part of safer sex risk management. My husband is monogamous (though he may choose not to be whenever he likes so long as he tells me) and his employer has him tested semi-annually. Is there a reason for the testing? Yes! Verification that my safer sex practices have been effective, and I'm still on the good side of the odds. Seriously? The subtle shaming attempts are so lame, and so beneath you hippies. If you're only getting tested because you suspect you have a problem, you ARE the problem.
  14. *MAMA*

    *MAMA* Perfectly Imperfect

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    Everyone is right about using protection.

    That's why I always keep my .357 tucked in my pants.

  15. ceasar augustus

    ceasar augustus Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    Doesn't that make the elastic sag? :p

    (They don't let us have handguns in the UK)
  16. MochaMood

    MochaMood Member

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    Hahahahahaha *dies*
  17. happilyinlove

    happilyinlove with myself :p

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    Go with them to get tested, and witness the doctor to relay the results.

    There is no other real way to survey someone's genitals or mouth to determine with absolute certainty whether they do or don't have a STD. HPV goes undetected, so does gonorrhea. STD's can lay dormant for long periods, and show no noticeable signs so a person may not know they have it for months whilst spreading it to partners.
  18. NikeGirl

    NikeGirl Member

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    I find that most guys prefer a blowjob with a condom rather than no blowjob at all.

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