My ISP does this shit. Domain names that don't exist somehow get redirected to an IP address with adds and shit. I don't trust their DNS there a way I can configure my router to use different DNS servers. I'm on time warner cable by the way and I'm pretty sure all ISPs probably do this. Is there any way to use more trusted higher level DNS servers instead? This shit ought to be considered criminal! It's basically the same thing as rewriting my hosts file to redirect to fake domains! Yea, I've phished a little before and this comes kinda close to that! They also seem to know when a MAC address is spoofed and rejects it even when it's set to a legit vendor. Maybe it's my wifi card...I need a good USB wifi card that supports packet injection (I could throw it away if I needed to). Starbucks seems to reject spoofed MACs too and I know I'm doin it right, same way I've always done it it just don't work now? Trying to learn some shit today, can't seem to get much else done right now :/
I have used OpenDNS before in the past; haven't used it a couple years, may give it another go. I'm assuming based on your posts that you already know how to configure your router.
Yeah, I know how to configure it, it's not much of a network I got here . Thing is they can go in and update ur firmware w/o u knowing. I need to buy my own router and modem instead of using the leased one, no way can I trust those things. Probably got some kinda backdoor in it that u can't see or reconfigure cuz it's in the firmware.
Even if you use your own modem, I think they still need to be able to access it. I use my own router and TW's modem. What pissed me off is they now do a thing where if your late with your bill they release you IP lease, hijack the browser, put up a page saying your bill is past due and you have to fucking reboot the machine to continue doing anything. I lost 30 minutes of work on my daughters FAFSA application because of it the other day! The Motorola modem are the best out there right now and TW does support them. I have a TP-Link TL-WR1043ND router and have been very happy with it so far. Lots of nice features and security.:2thumbsup:
Way better with those DNS servers...still not sure about the tunnel adapter, it's IPv6 and I don't really know shit about that or what it's doing...might need to look into it further
Are they sure they are actually hijacking the browser, or just setting up a DNS relay that redirects anything to that page? (Which I suppose would do the hijacking?) Shit freaks me out what ISPs do, can't trust 'em.
Not exactly sure what/how they do it, probably a relay. Was doing my thing, clicked on a link and BAM! up came a TW page about my bill and I had to reboot to re-establish an internet connection, dirty bastards!
See that's the thing about this country, anything is legal as long as you got paper that says you can do it but it's illegal for anyone else
You don't have to set it on your router, but doing so will make a one stop configuration. Just go to your router home page, probably, and set your primary dns to
It works like you asking a guy what the phone number for a pizza place is. When he tells you that phone number, it's actually the phone number of your internet company asking for money. DNS works essentially like a phone book. It's UDP, which is connectionless, so there's no handshake really confirming that the response is from the name server. There's a little security added to this, but essentially the cache can be easily flooded, this was known about it 2008, and is near the top of most the most severe bugs in the history of the internet. A full solution was made in 2008 which is dnssec, which is a cryptographic signature from websites, associating the websites and IP addresses. The problem, is that it hasn't been accepted very quickly, in fact, much worse.
Hi all, this is a link to dns servers it is quitte handy there are also secure servers included Code: take care peace
So what do u gurus suggest, open DNS name servers, google name servers or what? Thank to all who have posted