Unfortunately... no. No ideas. But I have been researching quite a bit on chemistry and metallury. I really want to make a cloud in a bottle. Maybe a few and give them to friends. I do know that you can filter water through layers of sand and charcoal in order to purify it. Or at least remove any sediment. I want to say you could use condensation or reverse osmosis. Seems like that would be wrong tho, or not achieve the results you're looking to get.
In pure water there is no carbon, so CO2 is not possible. The water could be split into hydrogen and oxygen, then the oxygen used to burn the hydrogen with a high carbon fuel like coal. This would produce water, CO and CO2 and some lesser pollutants.
Cloud in a bottle! Now we just need to figure out how to make a genie in a bottle, EH/ I should have been more specific, I am referring to removing CO2 from the ocean, which absorbs 300 million tons of CO2 every day, and is acidifying. I am studying oceanography and trying to get ideas for some papers...
This thread reminds me of my first year in University when my professor and I would extract large amount sodium metal from NaOH and Mg, then throw them in the river. Fun!
I thought about plants but it seems like that paper's already been written: http://www.carboeurope.org/education/CS_Materials/PlantsCO2Uptake.pdf
Wow some great things going on here. So plants...of course! They also take CO2 out of the air, and I should have remembered from biology class they do the same in water. That is also a good idaa: iron fertilization to increase phytoplankton blooms. We just need to plant more plants, and start cutting down less plants, and I truley feel the planet would easily restore itself. The sad scientific truth is the oceans are acidifying as they also grow warmer, and further altering the natural state could bring undesired consequences. So what I am trying to figure out is how to somehow filter the CO2 out of the water from a probible chemical means. So NaOH, aka caustic soda, and Mg filings, thats a new one! What were you and your professor doing? I youtubed a video and he heated them up in a retort immersed in lamp oil to contol vapor, and he created a small hydrogen explosion. lol.
This is where I am trying to go with this! I know it sounds like a crazy prospect, but I want to somehow be able to actually filter CO2 from water. There are some really great ideas on here about filtering it out biologically via algae and phytoplankton, and that's some really interesting stuff. Also something about a fermintation process, which I could see as working good. For commercial oyster farming, they are having to add large amounts of basic substances to bring the ph of regular ocean water to the right ph, becasue the oyster larvae cannot live in any water besides ocean water, and it is so acidic it is eating their shells. Somehow to remove the co2 chemically....or by a filter system of some sort, more advanced than r.o. or condensation.
What a wonderful goal and thing to try and figure out. I am inspired by this thread now.... Man could be putting his intelligence to do so mnay great things......
Yeah no doubt. thanks everyone who contributed the great ideas. I really apreciate it. This is going to be a great paper! Wow so came to some pretty startling conclusions!! This paper basically sumes it up: http://e360.yale.edu/feature/pulling_co2_from_the_air_promising_idea_big_price_tag/2197/ It's not really about pulling it from the water, but if we can do it from the air I theorize it could be possible in the near future, if not already. But ah then the question of what to do with all the CO2, and for that I say, blast it into space! lol
http://bravenewclimate.com/2013/01/16/zero-emission-synfuel-from-seawater/ Split the sea water in to h and o atoms then filter the co2. I new chemically it would be hard but never thought of doing it eletrochemically.
Haha pump all the excess co2 into a plant derived greenhouse biosphere on Mars. Start creating O2 for our future human inhabitants. Just need to supply water, no problem with adequate sunlight. Oh wait, didn't they just discover water on Mars. Might need to send some Diviners up to Mars to find it.