How To Disrupt The American Left; An Operative's Guide

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Eleven, Jul 1, 2016.

  1. Eleven

    Eleven Member

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    1) Whatever group you infiltrate, accuse others of being government agents.

    2) Encourage extremism. This can work with #1, in that those who do not go along with absurdly extreme views can be demonized, accused of disloyalty, and marginalized. Soon, moderates will RUN from whatever group you have infiltrated. As there is a corelation between dysfunctional people and extremist views, and vice versa a corelation between healthy people and moderation, your work will insure the group becomes a mere magnet for dysfunctional people.

    3) Blame the USA for everything. Hate on the USA. As working class people tend to have had military experience, or at the least have family members with military experience, your work will be seen as offensive, and drive working people away. The group will come to be made up of a combination of dysfunctional people, and guilt-ridden offspring of upper class families.

    4) Preach the meme that the political parties are no different. Make an example of not voting. When television and radio talk of political races, urge others to change the station. This will enable business interests to dominate the electoral process.

    5) If your target group is a commune, oppose air conditioning. Say it harms the environment. The elderly, overweight, and most people will be turned away.

    6) When disruptive members lead sane people to call for their expulsion, take up their cause. Enable bullies, and those who do not practice good hygeine.

    7) In communes, oppose spraying for roaches. Claim a chemical sensitivity. Few want to live in roach infested places.

    The End

    (This has been a tongue-in-cheek mental exercise. It is not a real guide. But, think about it. And, don't take offense.)
  2. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    1: Give them enough rope

    2: Let them hang themselves
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  3. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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  4. Eleven

    Eleven Member

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    8) Female operatives should set up male members of the group for accusations of sexual impropriety. Tell dirty jokes, and lead the male to do the same, then be offended. In communal settings, walk about topless or completely nude. When a male inevitably looks, accuse him of making you feel uncomfortable. If your path and the man's cross, express to others your worry that you have been "followed". Encourage sexually immature and maladjusted women to become paranoid of the man, and to interpret any of his actions negatively. In such settings, an accusation, or merely an expressed worry, is all that is needed, as the man will be guilty until proven innocent. Target already marginalized men for greatest success.

    (Again, all tongue in cheek. Elements of the Right don't need to infiltrate and do any of these damaging actions, as the Left does them to itself.)
  5. Balbus

    Balbus Senior Member

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    I love it when people say don’t take offence when they know they are being offensive

    We all know the type the person that will make a racist, sexist or homophobic ‘joke’ adding at the end ‘no offense it’s just joke’ and then saying the listener has no sense of humour or its PC gone mad when someone does take offense.

    Actually in the 70-80 the UK police infiltrated a number of ‘subversive’ groups, one so heavily that it is said that half the membership were in fact made up of different branches of the security services.
    Some undercover cops even went so far as to marry and have children with the very people they were meant to be spying on.

    Undercover police had children with activists

    I mean what would you feel like if you found out that the person you were living with and had a child with was in fact not who they said they were but was in fact a cop spying on you, would you think that was a bit of tongue in cheek humour?

    See above the undercover cops are accused of doing that even to the point of being involved in a bombing.

    Undercover policeman 'fire-bombed shop,' MPs told

    The right wing press and politicians in the UK have for years been twisting what left wingers have said or done to make them seem extremist. It was the main attack in the last London Mayor race -

    Tories step up attempts to link Sadiq Khan to extremists

    You mean Pressed Rat (at al) I’ve been pointing out for years that his main object seems to be to attack political parties (but mostly left wing ones and he’s so right wing most things are to the left of him) and try and discourage left wingers from voting.

    The point being that this is what the mainly right wing establishment has been doing for years you might think it ‘humour’ but a lot of it is actually reality.
  6. Eleven

    Eleven Member

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    Interesting points, Balbus.

    Here's #9, observed at an Occupy Wall Street camp:

    An authentic Occupy supporter, not a right-wing operative, took it upon themself to do outreach to the city's homeles. The Occupy camp was close to the shelters. When homeless realized that the Occupy camp would not require them to be sober in exchange for a bed, they gravitated on over. Also, the Occupy camp did not ban cigarette smoking as the shelters did. Thirdly, the Occupy Camp had no curfew requiring persons to be in at a certain time or not get a bed.

    You could smoke, drink, and stay out late!!!

    One of the homeless persons had a very ugly criminal past. When arrested, the media discovered the person's past, and the news tarnished Occupy's image with the public.

    #10, at a protest, cops were exceedingly polite, one even trying to talk an anarchist out of going to jail. The anarchist had not told the rest of the protesters his plan was to go to jail that day! When a scuffle ensued, it made the news. After that protest, Occupy in that city fizzled like a wet fireacracker. I am convinced that had that anarchist taken the cop's advice, protesters would have returned to that site many times, and other residents of the city would have joined in support. Was the anarchist the operative?

    No, just self-defeating.
  7. Terrapin2190

    Terrapin2190 I am nature.

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    My exact reaction
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  8. stormountainman

    stormountainman Soy Un Truckero

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    Most people on the left have a college education. Most people on the right side of the political arena did not finish high school. The left shall prevail!
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  9. Bud D

    Bud D Member

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    Sounds like most hippies
  10. Existensile

    Existensile Member

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    Mort Sahl wrote that the Am. Communist Party was made up of about 800 old men from Lower East Side & 1,000 FBI agents.
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  11. WE1

    WE1 Member

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  12. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Why would I try to discourage people from voting for something that doesn't matter?
  13. Balbus

    Balbus Senior Member

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    LOL – well one way is to tell people it doesn’t matter (because the Devil worshipers, seven foot lizards, new world order, little orphan Anne, the Rothschild’s, Illuminate, Aliens OR whatever will still control everything)
  14. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    More ad hominem bullshit from you. Basically you're doing the same thing you accused me of. If i thought voting mattered, I would vote. I couldn't care less who people vote for because they're participating in something that's rigged.
  15. Bud D

    Bud D Member

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    Not voting, if it's rigged people count on an element not voting! Everything is rigged, there is a scheme or schematic. Systems are in place, we are not fully evolved. You can vote, you can write, you can try to change minds.

    I'm interested in changing the American right. Hard to do that.
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  16. Balbus

    Balbus Senior Member

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    Oh and its said the left have no sense of humour

    Oh yes I remember it’s all rigged by those diabolical Devil worshipers, seven foot lizards, teenage mutant ninja turtles, new world order, Lex Luthor, the Rothschild’s, little orphan Anne, the Illuminate and/or, Aliens.
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  17. Eleven

    Eleven Member

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    Pressed Rat, if I win the lottery I'm going to pay your way to a religious right convention. You know, one where the preachers talk of restricting reproductive freedom, making the taxpayers support religious K-12 schools, etc. Please, get over your belief in that pseudo-cool meme that says elections don't matter.

    African Americans bled for the right to vote. Women need reproductive freedom. Your belief is an affront to all they sacrificed for, and might betray some lack of interest in the many causes that hinge on election outcomes.
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  18. Eleven

    Eleven Member

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    At the Occupy camp, one guy went around accusing people of being cops. He caused more disruption doing that than any enemy of Occupy could have done. Heck, when Occupy held its meetings, a representative of the police force attended; openly; welcomed by Occupy. Another time, a high ranking cop walked by the camp and talked with us. He wasn't judgemental, whereas the guy who assigned himself the job of spotting the cop, was.
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  19. Eleven

    Eleven Member

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    What better way to subvert the police! As long as no one is planning to do anything illegal, what harm can come? The cops get paid, lefties have them as an audience; everyone can be happy.

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