So basically anyone that thinks he is a dick on YouTube is a troll. What if he is a douche though. No, I didn't watch the whole 37 mins, pretty annoying voice
If you're subject to a lot of criticism, trolling and hate it might be worthwile to figure out why this happens in the first place. Is it really not partly because of yourself? No validity in it at all?
Best way to deal with those people, is getting on with your own life,and ignoring them.. We have all seen the meme! Don't feed the trolls!
Love them with all of your heart. It feels so good. Do not Harbor resentment. You lose control that way
Step 5) Criticisms of your opinion on a subject (not personal attacks) is free speech. Punch up your opinion.
Don't go on websites like these, or any other social networking website. Becase these people only exist online. So, that's my best advice. Also, talking about it to someone else. You know, venting. I know people would advice to ignore them, but it's easier said than done. So, I think talking about it helps.
Not the case for Youtubers, or anyone that is really popular. So many people are watching their videos, so the more popular they are the more people that will not like them, just as much as like them. I've seen boycotting of actual people from YouTube. You're going to fucking boycot a person? A person? It's pathetic, because basically it becomes a thing to troll, criticize, hate, or whatever you want to call it that person. Don't get me wrong, I'm a full believer that if so many people say something about you it must be true. But, you know the dangers of thinking like that. For example, what if so many people in your life told you that you were ugly, and therefore a worthless person. Is that true? Partly true? Does that have any merit at all?
There's an ignore button right here on this site. But nobody uses it because no matter what anyone says they're all too nosey to actually not care about what's being said. Except me. I've got a few blocked and I have no interest what they're trying to say.
Well, you if haven't engaged in any personal attacks (not subject matter) against them and they persist on making personal attacks on you then you should report them and then block them. The more hater trolls we dispense with makes all forums better. Subject matter criticisms are free speech. See Step 5 above.
I dunno. I think you need a couple of casual smart ass trolls to keep things interesting with their light hearted humor and witty remarks. I can laugh at trolls, while the majority gets angry at them and that's the difference I feel. I don't take a troll seriously. I get called a troll and I'm very rarely being serious so I come to terms that other trolls aren't being very serious either, they're just out for a quick laugh. I laugh at all my posts. and jokes too. I can see where I'm coming from and I like envisioning the looks on people's faces when they do read the trash I post. That makes it fun for me. Fun for others too and then just really upset and aggravates the rest of the people. Hehe.
I'm Starting To Have Serious Doubts About You And What Others Consider Sanity........????....... :yikes: Cheers Glen.
Same here. I have a hard time taking them seriously to begin with and 'arguing' is exactly what trolls want, so I don't do it.