How to avoid discomfort on a roll.

Discussion in 'MDMA - X' started by gendorf, Feb 17, 2014.

  1. gendorf

    gendorf Senior Member

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    I just wanna share some things....
    its for the noobs and not for the veteran members :) but of course anyone can comment.

    1. People say you should drop E on an empty stomach because if your stomach is full the come up will be too slow, the high will be weaker and the experience will not feel "full".
    but I think you should eat. I suggest a light soup a few hours before you take it. You should never start rolling hungry, because you will run out of energy faster. no solids, but a soup will do wonders. Don`t forget to salt it! (not too much of course) Your system needs the salt while your rollin.
    Also taking a multivitamin pill is a good idea. and you will need calcium. etc.

    2.IF you feel discomfort on the peak: Eat!! crackers, chips, sweets, anything that can go down. I know its hard, but your body needs food.... Protein shakes are highly recommended!! at least suck on a lollipop.. just get something into you that your body can burn for energy.

    3. Water, Water, Water, water. dont forget to drink water.. but not too much water. I prefer to drink orange juice tho. because its tasty, and sugary and has vitamins in it and those will enhance the roll too!! maybe 3 bottles of water should be enough for a night.

    4. Don`t combine with alcohol. A lot of people make this mistake. Alcohol will dry you out even more..and its a nasty , dirty drug that will only harsh your buzz.

    5. On the comedown: When you start coming down you should drink a protein shake, take some vitamins, eat, and try to relax. Smoke some weed, take some valium, try to sleep. Melatonin pills seemed to help me to go to sleep after the roll.

    6. aftereffects and depression.
    Eat! Eat yourself full!! you have burned a lot of energy dancing hardcore. Do not be afraid of food. Eat till you are really full.
    You need to recharge.. And a full stomach will induce serotonin release in the brain. Serotonin is the chemical that makes you feel full. If you cant satisfy your hunger that means you have very low serotonin levels.
    take vitamins, protein shake is recommended, 5-htp, and try to relax.

    anyone else got some input on the subject.. feel free to share!

  2. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    I agree with 3-6 but I don't know about the first 2.

    In response to 1. I think something light like a soup is fine a few hours before but I tend to roll harder on an empty stomach and I don't feel any lack of energy. (I'll mention that usually the latest our events go to is 4 am) I think exercising and eating well on a regular basis is likely more important for the stamina the MDMA experience sometimes requires rather than trying to compensate on the day you're rolling.

    Many people get appetite suppression from MDMA, aside from a lollipop or something I think it's an unrealistic expectation to suggest they need to eat while rolling.

    If someone is feeling discomfort from rolling, its more likely that they feel the experience is too forceful, confronting difficult emotional material and/or they are in an uncomfortable setting.

    I usually drink water but not drinking too much is good advice. If accessible, sports drinks like gatorade are a better option than water as well.
  3. thismoment

    thismoment Member

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    Yes, good stuff.

    Re after-effects: I usually crave chocolate and surrender to the moment. I feel like the chocolate helps, or maybe I just like chocolate.

    One reason I like outdoor festivals so much is that all I have to do is dance along the trail from the dance floor back to our campsite and have a big, cold, milk/yogurt/protein powder drink (I like vanilla) and then back to the dance floor.

    I'm excited about this year.
  4. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    I like to take one of those slim fast shakes I guess you would call them. Like diet shakes so they are nothing but some calories and liquid but you end up feeling very full from it. I drink one and my stomach is empty but my stomach doesn't think so. I have to agree you can't really eat when rolling. I have a friend who on her first time got the munchies. She had no issue eating while being so high it was almost too much. The lights were so stimulating she had to sit in the dark for a while to calm down. But she was still hungry but she is the exception. Food literally tastes like paper to me when rolling. Amphetamines in general suppress the apatite. The time to eat is when it is over but it takes me a while to want to. But I can see what you mean. Your body can reach a point where you feel like shit because you have no food in your stomach but the drugs you took are also telling you that your not hungry.

    It was not wise but I have combined alcohol and MDMA. It dirtied the experience. I am not a big drinker and it really took something from the roll.

    I also agree with the vitamins and weed on the come down. The weed will calm you down and maybe bring a little of the high back. There is also evidence that it can help prevent the toxic side effects of MDMA. Ketamine can also maybe do this, but K is not something for everyone. It will be a experience on it's own that is not for everyone especially if you K-hole. Heavy K use also causes it's own health problems with the bladder so I would advise people to use it sparingly. I have used it but I limit it like MDMA. It is not something to do every single weekend. Vitamin C and fish oil in the days after will also help your body rebound. 5-htp is also good but the issue is that your body has shut down some serotonin receptors because of over stimulation. So all these things that stimulate serotonin can only do so much. Your body can make serotonin but if there is no place to put it there is no point. So really the best remedy is to not use often and give the body time to reset itself.

    Melatonin is a good option too if you want to sleep. Especially if you had a pill cut with meth or another stimulant. That stuff can keep you up much longer then MDMA.
  5. Skywise

    Skywise Member

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    I rolled Saturday...i ate my final (heavy, healthy) meal of the day 4 hours prior, so my stomach was empty. Amazing roll!! The effects lasted much longer and afterwards, i didn't experience a loss of appetite. Ate lots of fruit, pasta...even went to the gym! felt great!
  6. gendorf

    gendorf Senior Member

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    I can eat candy when Im rollin. and I always do. crackers and soup.

    When I feel like Im gonna start crashing... I eat. It takes the edge off!

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