How to anal play?

Discussion in 'Bisexual' started by jordan bell, Mar 27, 2018.

  1. jordan bell

    jordan bell Members

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    Anyone have a good method for anal play? I don’t really want to go to a store and buy a toy because I’m broke and don’t also don’t wanna have anyone see me buy it.

    I’ve tried fingering myself, but it honestly doesn’t really feel that good because I don’t think I’m going deep enough/ it’s not wide enough.

    Is there an easy way to simulate the gspot? Also, if I do it too much am I gonna damage myself? And should I masterbate at the same time or are they normally separate?

    Thank y’all!
  2. LowHangers

    LowHangers Members

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    My wife found my g-spot with her fingers and realized how much harder I got in her mouth. She goes there all the time now. She bought a slender vibrator as a surprise to penetrate me while she's sucking me off and it was/is a pleasure I've never experienced before. We've since purchased a much thicker, life-like, 7" rubber dong she penetrates me with. I never realized how pleasurable it is to be deeply fucked in my ass. I shoot power loads of cum. We're now wanting to purchase a strap-on style so she can do me like a man. I don't think you'll damage yourself as long as you properly lube and take it slow at first. Enjoy.

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