I have not tried oral sex again, and I also have a few girlfriends oral sex did not happen, I do not know if this is not allows us excited, but perform oral sex on a person feel very sick what? Still too invested, and no understanding! You have tried it? What it feels like?
Do trying computer off turn. Outside allow more exciting time yourself. From life learn, computer not
It doesn't matter that you're on the internet. You have to use something that is at least close to proper English. I want to help, but I can't because I have no idea what you're saying.
Toral, I'm not sure what you're saying or asking. Could you rewrite the original post in your native language? Maybe if I translate it for myself I'll know what you mean, even if I have to use software or ask a friend. Would love to help.
OMG is anyone speaking english in this thread or am I drunk or something? Oh sorry, let me rephrase... OMG anyone is english speaking. I drunk or this thread something?