do you keep up with all these forums and posts?? I think I've posted about 5 times and there are soooo many ppl in here , I can't keep track to read replies.:&
its not too hard, i manage to keep up with most things...just dont reply to too many posts i mean do reply to them just dnt reply to every single one! lolz xxxx
I have periods of visiting the site, to be honest..this is the first post since a long time. Is there a function on the site which gives you an email of a rely?
I only view threads that interest me... there's usually 10 or so new threads in Young Hippies that I don't read, and other than that I've only been going to the music forum lately... I've lost interest in this place
Just control yourself. It can get addicting. I've perused message boards for 5-6 years and just reply to stuff that I feel I'll remember to check back on. Whatevers interesting. Little rule is to stay out of stuff you don't know about when someones looking for useful input. That keeps me out of alot of stuff. =) Find posts you'll put more then a few words in. It helps.
just dive in. it gets easy once you start pm-ing and talking on aim/yahoo/whatever u become like part of the community.
I just reply to anything of interest, and sometimes things will pop up I don't remember, but see I have posted in, so I'll check them out...
and under user options you will find a button that says "your posts" which will keep track of each thread u went you always know when someone has replied to a thread you have been in... ....once youget comfortable you wil find out heaps more...
Unless it's particularly slow, I just stick to 'new posts' and any thread you've posted in has an arrow on it...
you guys have been a shit load of elp, i even went to all active threads and posted on few topics thinking i was sitting at home tonite, i should catch all deal......i refreshed ike every three minutes, and ALL topics changed, il try it out thanks.
I just say something I think is funny and hope the responses bring me back. wanna eat a donut off my ass?