How SCHWEET is Condie Rice's confirmation?

Discussion in 'America Attacks!' started by Astaroth, Jan 26, 2005.

  1. Psy Fox

    Psy Fox Member

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    What? get your head out of your ass airforcedrew has every right to question the command in cheif, war or not.
  2. jesuswasamonkey

    jesuswasamonkey Slightly Tipsy

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    Astaroth is obviously here just to cause trouble, I think someone needs to call...

  3. element7

    element7 Random fool

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    That reflects my sentiments. Why waste anymore time than a good laugh on such a twit.
  4. Higherthanhell

    Higherthanhell Banned

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    Wonder why rich conservative are all overweight with a double chin and fat little fingers? I didn't know that being a fuking liar could do that to ya
  5. element7

    element7 Random fool

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    They process food like chickens process corn. The turds come out in the shape of donuts so they survive by eating their own shit. It's why their full of it.
  6. Astaroth

    Astaroth Banned

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    One thing that differentiates an infantile liberal from a grown man: the realization of the fact that there is no such thing as "fellow human beings".

    There are people who share your views and there are people who don't; there are also those who actively seek to do you harm. Quitting weed and other hallucinogens is the first step towards realizing that the world is not, in fact, painted rainbow and inhabited by fuzzy flying pink elephants.

    The next step would be to put on some shoes and decent clothes, move out of your mother's basement and find a decent job. When you get a stake in society, when you (for once) find out what it's like to own something and to work for a living, your worldview will change drastically, I promise you :)
  7. jesuswasamonkey

    jesuswasamonkey Slightly Tipsy

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    No, the "idea that there is no such thing as fellow human beings" is what seperates a well balanced person who is capable of having a good day without ruining someone else's from an infantile prick with an egotistical worldview and antisocial tendencies.

    I know there are people who don't share my views, I can live with that... can you? As for people who may seek to do me harm, no shit Sherlock. That is why I take steps to secure my own defence, but it doesn't give me an excuse to just go on a rampage to dominate everyone who doesn't share my views.

    Cannabis is not a hallucinogen. Hallucinogens cause hallucinations, that is why they are called hallucinogens, detective dipshit. I don't take hallucinogens. As for marijuana, it does cause undesirable side effects like any mind altering substance, but I find that alcohol does far more to inhibit clear thinking than cannabis. Not that I have anything against alcohol, just an observation.

    Another thing, the world is in fact painted in a wide variety of colors, rainbow, if you wish, and unless you are colorblind you have probably noticed. As for fuzzy flying pink elephants, I very seriously doubt that there is a single poster on this forum who believs they exist outside of the mind of man.

    "This is your captain speaking. Please fasten your safety belts and return your seatbacks to their full upright position, we are returning to reality." I am wearing shoes, and clothes that fit my idea of "decent", I haven't lived with my parents since I was 18 and have been earning my own living since then. I do have a stake in society, which you are trying to destroy because you are an antisocial psycho who seeks to destroy what you do not understand. I own many things which I have earned through work and I am quite happy with my worldview, thank you very much.

    Now, if you are done being a complete and utter asstroll, would you please kindly stop violating forum guidelines (Forum Guidelines please read section four).
  8. airforcedrew

    airforcedrew Banned

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    I have every right to question my commander in cheif, especially when he sends troops to a war that was his mistake. Anyways, heres some proof that im in the military, check my gallery if you need more.
    Thats My Wife and I. (thats me in UNIFORM)
    Thats me saying Hi
  9. Angel_Headed_Hipster

    Angel_Headed_Hipster Senior Member

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    Astaroth, no disrespect or anything, but if you are saying airforcedrew should be publically hung, you are the squealer and the troller, not the liberals you supposubly love to hear squealing.

    Peace and Love,
  10. RevoMystic

    RevoMystic Member

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    seriously man, just shut the fuck up. You are a waste of a human life.

    Angelheaded, don't worry about disrespecting him...he's not worthy of the first shread of respect.

    airforce, those pics of you are GREAT, and hilarious!!! I've come to respect you, mate. YOU are the type of soldier who deserves undying respect, not the mindless drones who question nothing at all. You are the person who would put your life on the line to save me...not astaroth, who became a police officer for the sake of being able to beat heads without fear of losing his putrid, respectless job. Keep your chin up, my friend.
  11. airforcedrew

    airforcedrew Banned

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    Thank you.... im literally speechless
  12. RevoMystic

    RevoMystic Member

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    why? lol
  13. airforcedrew

    airforcedrew Banned

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    prolly cuz im kinda drunk....
  14. RevoMystic

    RevoMystic Member

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    enjoy it, and don't fall through any glass tables :)
  15. Angel_Headed_Hipster

    Angel_Headed_Hipster Senior Member

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    Yeah your right Astaroth, i should go out and find a job, just so i can let Bush's friends outcourse the company to mexico or's easy for you to say that when you work as a cop, a job that the elites need people to work for so they can protect them from the people who actually want this world to be a better place, tell that to all the factory workers, and the farmers, the REAL American workers that have been screwed by Bush and his hands off approach to big corporations.

    Peace and Love,
  16. RevoMystic

    RevoMystic Member

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    Angel, you're wasting your breath. Just buy a good shield to protect yourself with when the pigs start bashing everybody over the heads who disagrees with their bosses' bosses.
  17. gEo_tehaD_returns

    gEo_tehaD_returns Senior Member

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    I'd say thats a damn good definition of a "real american", considering thats exactly what colonists living here in the 1700s did, and in the process they created a country. This country is BASED on rights and freedoms which conservatives seek to eliminate (patriot act, gay marraige, etc.). Not that there aren't whiney democrats who get "offended" and demand something be banned, but for the most part destruction of freedom seems to be the primary agenda of conservatives. Therefore, I must conclude that "conservative" is the antithesis of "real American".

    And so by definition (my definition anyway), and even though I personally think he's kind of a wanker, John Kerry's vote was the "real American" thing to do.

    I'm deeply disturbed by the fact that refusal to conform is becoming progressively less acceptable. Since when is somebody not a "real american" just because they refuse to do as everyone else does?
  18. RevoMystic

    RevoMystic Member

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    I disagree with that. The 2 party system is rotten to the core, and Kerry is no better than Bush when it comes to progressive reform, he even gladly gave the presidency to Bush. So, in my humble opinion, voting for a 3rd party would be the most "real American" thing to do.

    Since "corporate cool" became mainstream.
    (read "No Logo" by Naomi Klein to get a better understanding of that)
  19. Jointman69

    Jointman69 High Nigga Pie

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    haha not to mention the one in her teeth

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