Who saw The Passion of the Christ? omg!! How many here cried? I cried for such a long time!! It was so horrible!! I'm not really realgious or however u spell it...but still that movie was very sad!!! Well love yall's!!!!
I went to see the movie with a friend. He's more religous then I am. He cried during the movie and when it was over, he clapped...(I thought someone nearby would tell him to stop) but before I knew it the whole movie theater was full of people clapping. It was the first movie I had gone to where everyone clapped at the end.
how can that movie make you laugh? It was horrible!! Don't you have any feelings at all?! thats horrible you should really feel bad for doing something like that!!! Yeah I would feel weird to if somebody clapped!!! I'm not religious but still!!
Yes how do you feel that that movie sucked? B/c me and my friend were talking about it yesterday night, and he's like anybody who laughed or thought that it was bad or something really doesn't have any feelings....so yeah.....how do you feel it sucked? Love ya's!!!
That movie is a remake of an old propaganda peice used to enrage people against jews and blame them for the death of christ... its not even historically accurate, and it is nothing but a few hours of jesus being brutally tortured and bloodied (which i find funny, because I have no feelings)
I cried too... I couldn't believe I'd just wasted $7 watching that... we'll... it was kinda a snuff film.
Personally, I loved it. Out of all of the movies made about the life of Christ, this one was the most accurate. I cannot wait for Mel's sequel.
im sure he and his bank manager cant wait either.. as for accurate, in this time and age, nothing about jesus is accurate.
I don't think that Mel is doing this movie just for the money, I think he is doing this to show the world about Jesus, and I don't think he did it to blame the Jews for anything. And I don't think it was a waste of any of my money, it was actually one of the best things I could of done with my money...so yeah....
Whether planned or not, the amount of anti-semitism that was created due to this movie was enough. People ban video games due to the "effect it has on people", well this movie created so much hate and discrimination that its far worse than any game.
yes but is told I guess what some people consider that truth....it was just showing what "really" happened to Jesus. Video games are worse...personally...I THINK those are the main words I THINK they are a waste of time and money....now don't forget that its my opion...ok? Before people try to start shit with me....so yeah......how does it show hate and discrimination?
yeah it was for money and to help people realize what Christ went through also correct now that's pushing it quite a bit