www.namestatistics.com lynsey is the #2901 most common female name. 0.002% of females in the US are named lynsey. Around 2550 US females are named lynsey! ****is the #139 most common last name. 0.066% of last names in the US are ***. Around 165000 US last names are ***! my full first name that i was born with that thank god my mom made part of it my middle name when I was a kid ****** is a very rare female name. Very few females in the US are named ******. Be proud of your unique name!
Kayla is the #338 most common female name. 0.051% of females in the US are named Kayla. Around 65025 US females are named Kayla!
K.C. is a very rare female name. Very few females in the US are named K.C.. Be proud of your unique name! tin***** is the #28223 most common last name. 0.0005% of last names in the US are tin****. Around 1250 US last names are tin****!
Amanda is the #40 most common female name. 0.404% of females in the US are named Amanda. Around 515100 US females are named Amanda!
Emily is the #99 most common female name 0.208% of females in the US are named Emily Around 265200 US females are named Emily!
Jana is the #449 most common female name. 0.031% of females in the US are named Jana. Around 39525 US females are named Jana!
My name made it to #28, I was named after my mother's friend in high school RankName% 1.Lisa 2.58372. Mary 1.80823. Karen 1.49074. Susan 1.48865. Kimberly 1.35666. Patricia 1.20237. Linda 1.17588. Donna 1.08439. Michelle 1.072610. Cynthia 1.018911. Sandra 0.976112. Deborah 0.961613. Pamela 0.946514. Tammy 0.942515. Laura 0.913416. Lori 0.910817. Elizabeth 0.890018. Julie 0.870419. Jennifer 0.860920. Brenda 0.853221. Angela 0.830522. Barbara 0.822823. Debra 0.814324. Sharon 0.800425. Teresa 0.780226. Nancy 0.741527. Christine 0.728928. Cheryl 0.7123
Shaylene is a very rare female name. Very few females in the US are named Shaylene Be proud of your unique name!
Craig is the #288 most common last name 0.038% of last names in the US are Craig Around 95000 US last names are Craig!
Matea is a very rare female name. Very few females in the US are named Matea. Be proud of your unique name!
awesome stuff! nisha is the #3475 most common female name. 0.001% of females in the US are named nisha. Around 1275 US females are named nisha! -is the #21120 most common last name. 0.0005% of last names in the US are - Around 1250 US last names are -
patrick is the #42 most common male name. 0.389% of men in the US are named patrick. Around 476525 US men are named patrick! g---- is the #644 most common last name. 0.018% of last names in the US are g----. Around 45000 US last names are g----!
Trisha is the #539 most common female name. 0.024% of females in the US are named Trisha. Around 30600 US females are named Trisha! O.... is the #9203 most common last name. 0.001% of last names in the US are O..... Around 2500 US last names are O....! (married name) L... is the #23630 most common last name. 0.0005% of last names in the US are L.... Around 1250 US last names are L... (maiden name)
crystal is the #102 most common female name. 0.207% of females in the US are named crystal. Around 263925 US females are named crystal!
JOSEPH is the #9 most common male name. 1.404% of men in the US are named JOSEPH. Around 1719900 US men are named JOSEPH! They are great in bed and are gods among other men.
Tara is 203rd most common girl's name at .107% ***** is 11460th most common last name at .001% When I was young NOBODY was named Tara. Now it's kinda popular.
KIMBERLY is the #24 most common female name. 0.504% of females in the US are named KIMBERLY. Around 642600 US females are named KIMBERLY! j****** is the #1637 most common last name. 0.008% of last names in the US are j******. Around 20000 US last names are j******!
Molly is the #317 most common female name. 0.055% of females in the US are named Molly. Around 70125 US females are named Molly! wow, I thought only old women and dogs shared my name! Acctually, it's been getting more popular latley with little girls, but when I was younger I knew all of 2 other girls with the same name. L.... is the #3436 most common last name. 0.004% of last names in the US are LaFleur. Around 10000 US last names are LaFleur! that's damn cool, my last name is sort rare, yay! Whispers, Joseph is my little brother's name! And my dad's dad, and my uncle and my cousin too. And one of my cousins on that side of the family married a guy named Joe, but they ended up getting divorced, we made a no more Joe's rule after that
********* the #43479 most common last name.0.0005% of last names in the US are my last name and Kieran is unique, yada yada yada...but as im english this doesn't really count