How Poles Helped Germans ...

Discussion in 'Poland' started by kowalskil, May 16, 2013.

  1. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Man... what a travesty. Besides that they now teach in most schools that being a patriot means you don't criticize your country in any way...

    ...Government took over the public news on TV. And aiming to shut up critical voices on commercial tv channels as well. A pity and shame for every sensible Pole (of which there are still plenty!). They're getting duped big time.
  2. Nudist4u

    Nudist4u Banned

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    Again , Poland for the Pole. Western folk can become as multicultural as they wish .
  3. You're from Poland?
  4. Nudist4u

    Nudist4u Banned

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    No. My Father. Just expressing the right of all people to maintain their heritage.
  5. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    How do you define "heritage"? If we are talking race wise it's racism that ignores scientific and historical realities. The fact that a Pole can have a child with an African means they are the same animal. A horse can't fuck a pig and do that. This shows we are all human and the same.

    If you are talking lifestyle and cultural views there is a long history of cultures copying each other. Who really thought of anything in the first place? If Poland only had things invented or written by them themselves they would not be living in the 21st century like the rest of us.

    I suspect you meant like heritage from Muslims in current politics. If so I'm very sad for you.
    granite45 likes this.
  6. Nudist4u

    Nudist4u Banned

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    Western Civilization still exists in Eastern and Central Europe.
  7. granite45

    granite45 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Earth for all humans and our brothers and sisters in the animal and botanticsl realm!
  8. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    It's even thriving in many western countries. Crazy huh. Maybe you disagree because you're at odds with the general direction 'western civilisation' takes. But then its clear it is you who is at odds with western civilisation. Most west european countries (or civilisations/societies) have been multicultural to some extend for centuries lol
  9. Nudist4u

    Nudist4u Banned

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    Thriving? Where? Countries don't thrive they merely exist albeit barely. A Nation becomes a Homeland. Multicult is a deception and delusion.
  10. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Multicult is what happens when trade and other international interactions are thriving. Or when nations expand and absorp nations with other cultures of course. And then nag afterwards about the supposed devastating consequences to their own culture :p
    In this regard it is slightly more understandable why a lot of Polish are more protective over their own cultural identity; they usually were the absorbed nation. Now finally they're fully allowed to own and celebrate their own nationality and culture. Understandable but not constructive or righteous where it comes to excluding minorities of course.
  11. McFuddy

    McFuddy Visitor

    Your attitude is the very antithesis of the values of the civilization you claim to cherish.
  12. Nudist4u

    Nudist4u Banned

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    Multicult = Clownworld. Crime , filth , severe incompetance and graft galore. Detroit , Toronto , London ; the list goes on ; wastelands are being formed.
  13. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    You're entitled to your opinions naturally. If it lacks argumentation though and one merely repeates variations of the same statements (as happens a lot by anti-multiculti people) there's little to say or think about it.
    Other people here can't help concluding then one's mainly in it to provoke or shock or feeling recalcitrant against the 'libtards'.
    If you want a meaningful exchange of thoughts and opinions you should expand on why, how etc.
  14. Nudist4u

    Nudist4u Banned

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    Even "libtards" agree. There is a "global" overpopulation issue. Why import more bodies? Drive home from work lately?
  15. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Poland is overpopulated?

    I think my country (Netherlands) is more full and no, can't blame other cultures or society being multicultural for traffic jams (if that's what you're referring to :p
    Btw: being against blatantly allowing every immigrant in is a different issue than being anti multicultural.
  16. Nudist4u

    Nudist4u Banned

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    No, and Poland will never be overpopulated. Nationalism has a strong influence. The Sejm has ensured cultural preservation . Demographic security seems to be a major issue. Western Euros can frown ; but , simply put , Poland and others ( Hungary , Slovak , Sloven , Austria , Baltics , Belo and Eastern Europe) do not and will not tolerate such issues. There are more NATIONS as well. Japan has very good National Policy . So true Nationalists are more than right wingers ; just paragmatic enough to pick up that this global thrust is not working for everyone.

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