just to yourself, no music, no cell phone, no sleeping, no computer..just you, by yourself, thinking, thinking, thinking...how much time?
sitting or standing...its kind of impossible to ''not think''....so I spose I am thinking every second I am sitting
yes, we all think all the time, except when we are sleeping and then we may dream. What I am talking about is non distracted thinking.
When I can't sleep at night. As well as when I don't want to get up in the morning. Sometimes when I take a bath or shower.
I constantly think - sitting, standing, walking, working - can't stop. Sometimes I can slow it down if I meditate.
When I sit and think with no surrounding all I hear are my ears pinging off their heads with tinnitus. This makes me depressed, anxious and stressed which only worsens the tinnitus. So I sit and think with music on. =]
Same here. I think all day long. I work in an environment where there is very little talking so I just do what I need to do and think about plenty of different things.
I am always thinking, but I find that I think most when I am in the car driving, or at night when I am at work. I don't necessarily have to be idle to be thinking. I am very much an introspective person, and I find that is part of why I am not a really talkative or social person. I very much live inside my head, and sometimes I find it difficult to step outside of that headspace.
I find it difficult to not think unless I am meditating. I aim for at least and hour a day after yoga but some days that is a real struggle.
Well I was doing just fine until I had to think about my answwer to this question and now that has thrown my average way off so now I have no truthful idea.