Just Received My First Winter Period Electric Bill Since I Moved Here. To Heat This House To 18c 24/7 Useing Electric Ducted Heating For The 3 Months Of Winter Cost Me $1000-18 . And This Is A Very Big House.....Over 300 Squares..... What Does It Cost You To Keep Warm In The Mid Winter Months....??? Cheers Glen.
[SIZE=11pt]The least I’ve paid for home heating oil was during the extremely mild winter of 2011-2012 ($2,500.00) 1st November - May 15th [/SIZE] [SIZE=11pt]Hotwater[/SIZE]
We have an old wood burning cast-iron Ben Franklin stove for the downstairs. Propane upstairs, if we need it. Propane was up to 4 bucks a gal. the last time we bought it. So.. maybe 100 a month on the coldest months to heat the entire house. It'd be a LOT more if we didn't have the stove heating the downstairs for free.
we have gas heat but I didn't move into my current house until March so never really used the heat. I'm interested to see what it will be this winter. January and February will be the only time the bill should be an issue, November and December are fairly mild
it costs me rent, which it is transparently included in. hvac, electric, internet, 4 walls, a roof, a bed, a place to wash and a place to cook. the cheapest rent i can find in my part of the world. or close to the cheapest without having to move again and again and waste more then i would save doing so. so i have no idea really how much goes for hvac. i know i probably use more internet then most of my neighbors, but even that is mostly a guess.
doesnt cost me anything person who owns the place pays the gas bill i think its around $600 to $700 a year...most of that is likely delivery charges rather than actual fuel cost
i haven't been here for a winter yet, so i don't know. heat has been included in the rent most places i've lived, and the one place that it wasn't was much less efficient than here and it was about $150 a month, so i'm going to randomly guess about half that. but no idea really. i mostly just wear lots of clothes and use blankets anyway. i never keep my place very warm.
My heating here where I rent is Natural Gas and it costs about 1800 for heating from September to May. My house is heated with Oil and it costs me around 3000 for the same months.
We pay the same year round to avoid the big winter hits...currently we pay $170 mo...so $2040 minus water heater and gas cooktop