How many vegetarian "Young Hippies" do we have here. Are you vegetarian or vegan? Why do you hold to these beliefs. I'm a vegetarian. I would be a vegan, but it's so hard to get the vegan food because my parents buy my food. I'm a vegetarian because I feel that millions of animals shouldn't die just to feed our selfish stomachs. -Peace
I'm not a vegetarian, I don't see a problem with eating meat, it is a natural process. I like to buy organic and free range meat when I can though, to ensure that the animal has had a good, natural life. I'm against animal cruelty, but we are omniverous creatures by evolution....
i am a young hippie and i am a vegetarian i agree so much on what u said about animals dieing for our selfishness we woulndt want that done to us if we had no say in anything right!? ----"do on to others as others do on to you!"----
really, it takes more energy to digest meat than what you get out of it. It's counterproductive. I don't want anything sitting in my colon for 7 days, disgusting. Anyways, i'm not on the blood again, my girlfriend eats meat. Normally its the other way around, heh.
I see what you're getting at, but other carnivores/omnivores need meat to survive. We eat meat because that's what we feel like having tonight.
well, meat is good for us, and it tastes damn good. im an animal too y'know. it is not like we are taking away from other species grub either.
How do you know? Think about all the fish we eat. Especially in countries/state that are on the coast. Now think of the predator of fish. How are we not taking away its food. It's no because we eat meat that is the problem. It's because our population is so high that we are messing up numerous food webs.
Well, we all know where Strawberry stands on this issue, so I'm not getting into this stupid, worn out debate anymore. Some people eat meat. Some people don't. Get over it.
Some people have to realize though, that meat really has more "disadvantages" then "advantages" both for health, and for the world. Honestly, look at the facts: livestock production is the #1 cause of water pollution in the u.s. the united states imports over 100,000 tons of beef from central america each year from 1960-1985 over 40% of the central american rainforests were destroyed to create grazing land for cattle. it takes 1 pound of grain to make 1 pound of bread, while it takes 20 pounds of grain to make 1 pound of beef. 50 percent of men who eat meat regularly die of heart disease 4 percent of men who eat no animal products die of heart disease u.s. tuna fishermen are permitted to kill over 20,000 dolphins every year. 90% of all food borne pesticides are found in meat and dairy products. 10% of nursing mothers who were vegetarians had ddt in their breast milk. 90% of nursing mothers who were meat eaters had ddt in their breast milk. Now, concerning the conditions in which factory-farmed animals are forced into (all meat comes from factory farms unless specified as otherwise on packages and such): (this one is a photo of a factory-farm working beating a chicken for no apparent reason) Etc... Chow down.
In addition to what I have previously posted, I don't understand how one can preach about being a hippy, and believing in peace, when... exactly.. they eat meat. If we are to love each other, shouldn't animals count? Or are human beings as a whole too selfish and too self absorbed to comprehend that there are other species on this earth that deserve to live, love, and be happy? Should animals not be allowed to live and have FREE lives, like human beings do? Free-range or organic, I believe that raising an animal - even kindly - only to be killed, is cruel and sadistic in its own nature, and should not be tolerated. Analogy: You give birth, or your companion gives birth to a beautiful young child. You have set in mind that you'll kill it at a particular age for your own pleasure and profit, but feed the child, clothe it, and "love" it. Then, the time comes where you decide to kill it. View each species as you would a human being, then you just might see how twisted and cruel any type of animal farming is.
i am also a veg...i think it is terrible what animals, sentient beings just like humans, go through in the slaughter house...and it is just terrible to eat another being...i wouldn't eat a person...because i would feel goes the same way for animals...i don't need meat to i'll let the animals live thank you very much.
Hmm. So what has the FDA/CFSAN done about meat? No sarcasm; I'm seriously asking. Because you'd think they'd put a ban or limit on it if it was detrimental to human health.
And I think it's a bit judgemental to say that people who eat meat don't believe in peace and harmony. Personally, I don't see how one can preach peace and harmony all the while damning, berating, and threatening to "kick the ass" of other human beings for eating meat. How is that peaceful? I don't think one side is "better" or has a one-up over the other, and that's usually what these kind of threads turn into.
But when something like eating meat is done by more than 50% of america. The government isn't just going to ban it right away. Kinda like alchohol and marijuana. Alchohol can be very dangerous but since so many people use it, they're not going to ban it right away.