How many women claim rape or molestation for attention?

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by Libertine, Aug 18, 2005.

  1. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    This is not a slam on anyone who has been raped or molested. That is a serious crime which needs to be dealt with.

    However, I have dated or been out with no less than 30 girls/women (from age 15 until I was married), and the large majority of them (around 22 or 23 claimed to have been either raped or molested).

    When probed, I found out that many of them were claiming rape was really consensual sex they just decided to do to shut the guy up or something of that nature. That's not rape, that's pressure that YOU decided to give into. And unless you cannot be responsible for yourself (ie child, infant, handicapped, etc.), that doesn't count as rape. Unless you were forced, it's not rape.

    Other women I've met claimed to have been molested, but their stories were so confused and contradictory, that I was walking off scratching my head. The funny thing is that one girl claimed she was molested at 15 by a 19 year old. I asked her if she consented...she said yes. I asked her why she feels she was molested, she said, "I don't really, but my friend told me I was."

    Oooohh....I see. Your friend dictated your victimization.

    RAPE & MOLESTATION is a SERIOUS, SERIOUS accusation that can ruin the life of someone just as much as the HORRIBLE ACT itself.

    Many non-threatening peaceful people have been accused of molestation or rape by women who later rescinded it because they were coerced into believing it through peer pressure, some experts' advice or hypnosis.

    Gee, thanks...15 years in prison, loss of a family, loss of an entire livelihood and now you admit that you COULD'VE BEEN WRONG?!?!

    Anyway...feel free to comment...either way. I am not saying anything most of you haven't thought anyhow.
  2. IronGoth

    IronGoth Newbie

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    I knew a girl in high school who decided to "back up" her "sister" when she decided that she was so upset that she wasn't picked for the lead role in the school play she accused the (male) drama teacher of rape.

    Anyhow the original complainant was a total loon who noone would believe, so the girl I knew decided to say SHE TOO had been attacked by this despicable man, because it would lend credence to the story of the original complainant.

    She kept being called out of class. As well as the original complainant. The school board and police took this EXTREMELY seriously. He was out of there until the matter was examined and the cops didn't want him going anywhere other than home.

    After five months, divorce proceedings and the like, the original complainant realised that rather than skipping class to go talk to counsellors, police etc. she'd have to come in on her own time and decided enh, to come clean. Which caused the girl I knew to have to say, er, well, actually....

    The man never returned to the school, though he was a dedicated teacher with 25 years experience and well loved. He didn't go anywhere else either, noone would hire him.

    No charges were laid against either girl, there were no repercussions (expulsion etc) for them BLATANTLY LYING AND ADMITTING THIS WAS THE CASE.

    I asked the latter girl how she could LIVE with herself. She said simply that she was aiding the wimminstruggle, that she was trying to lend credence to a crime too often ignored, and happily graduated to go on to study Womyn's Studies. To "change the world" and aggressively pursue femynist ideals.

    *shakes head*

    I'm more upset because I'm sure there WERE things going on after that weren't investigated primarily because well, enh, wait a minute. Are we gonna have another situation like the one before on our hands? Once bitten twice shy.

    By the way our erstwhile wimmyn's studies grad who lied to help her "sister" maintains to this day womyn never lie about rape.

    Go figure.
  3. IronGoth

    IronGoth Newbie

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    Oh yeah, the divorce had already gone through. His family was ruined. Too much damage and too many harsh words. She basically spat in his face and walked out.
  4. Epiphany

    Epiphany Copacetic

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    Sadly, there are those whom make false accusations of rape. Pathological liars, vindictive individuals and those whom are merely seeking attention. On one hand, rape can be a difficult charge to bring against someone, especially with lack of evidence. However, our judicial system is quite far from perfect and those whom are wrongfully accused can suffer greatly. In either case, it is quite sad.
  5. IronGoth

    IronGoth Newbie

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    I am SO TOTALLY waiting for someone to charge in here claiming that we're trivialising rape and abuse, noone ever lies, we're agents of the phallocracy, etc.
  6. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    That breaks my heart, man....

    I knew a man who ALMOST went through the same thing. Luckily, she admitted she lied in time for court, but he still was in the Arrest Report and his name smeared all over the papers... it was bad.

  7. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    Yes, indeed. You are correct, Epiphany.
  8. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    It is such a touchy subject, I started not to post it.

    But, then again...I'm not one to run away from such things.

    It's best to just come out and deal with it.
  9. IronGoth

    IronGoth Newbie

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    Don't forget "LOCAL MAN IS MAD RAPIST!" is in 72pt font on pA1

    "Woman recants story and we retract the accusation" is in 10pt font on pA23
  10. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    Indeed. I work for a newspaper so I know EXACTLY all about that.
  11. soaringeagle

    soaringeagle Senior Member

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    well the truth is about 1/2 the women i know had really been raped or molested..thats the honnest truth
    but yea false accusations do happen, i even had been acused, i had a g/f.. i dont even know what i saw in her at the time cause she was a very angry woman, & had a coke addiction, wel she was tryin to quit the coke & we were travelling together, & she had this habbit of tucking my hand between her thighs before shed gop to sleep & while she slept shed constantly inch my hand up then squirm & push it down, it kept me awake sometimes so alot of the time i'd wait for her to fall asleep & just move my hand.. but 1 night i guess i fell asleep & i woke up to her shoving my handas usual, so i rolled over & went back to sleep..the next day we were watching a band at a bar & she was talking to some guy who i knew had abad rep around town, but later that eve she told me he had told her i raped her cause i guess she woke up in the middle of the night & i guess my handwasallittle too high..keep in mind that shewas the 1 that always inched it up anyway..she steals all my $ & leaves me stranded 2000 miles from home with nothing but the clothes i was wearring, & ends up going back home with the same guy who convinced her i raped her..
    (oh yea..earlier that day shed disapeared for hours & i guessstarted doin coke again)

    but regardeless, i beleive 90% of the time someone says they were raped, its true..but in general i find that if they volunteer the info its suspicouse..but if u have to ask or if theyre reluctant to tell you then its probably real..but i've also had the advantage of empathicaly usualy being able to tell..& even many times fairly accurately guessing dtails
    but like i said if your in a group with say 100 girls & theyre feelin safe enough to be open & honnest, i can guarantee about 1/2 will admit to being raped, & thats the sad reality
  12. IronGoth

    IronGoth Newbie

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    If anyone wants to know just exactly when the sh*t will hit the fan in this thread, this is the precise moment.

    In that room of people, 'eagle, there will be those with the courage to tell their story, and then quite a few more will see what they can exaggerate into a similar story so they are not left out. Then the one-upwomynship will begin.
  13. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    Well, I have a tendency to doubt more. Sorry, that's just my nature. I AM a skeptic after all, but if there is legitimate sincerity and a believeable enough occurance, I will give her the benefit of the doubt, because I know there are many criminals out there.

    However, I'd say that my % of belief would be more along the lines of 40-50%. But, I guess you could attribute it to all the bullshit stories I've heard for years too.
  14. soaringeagle

    soaringeagle Senior Member

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    oh well yea i've heard my share of bullshit stories too, & caught a few in theyre lies, but judging from my real freindswho i know would never lie to me about 1/2 had been & about 1/2 of that 1/2 had been repeatedly for years about 2% or so actualy reported it, & thats the general trend.. its far more prevelant than statistics show, since very few actualy admit it ever happened even to close freinds or family
  15. interval_illusion

    interval_illusion Deceased

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    its funny you should mention "very few even report it even to their close friends and family" because when my "situation" occured a while back.... i didnt tell my mom, anyone in my "real" family or any of my really close friends.. the only people ive ever told are dan and some people that i dont really know that well. i guess sometimes it's harder to talk to the people that really know you- like your parents because for some stupid reason you think its your fault even though it's not.

    i dont even know why im in this thread btw... cause i have things to say in my head but i prolly should just leave....
  16. greengoddess

    greengoddess Nature Freak!

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    I would never do such a thing, and I don't get why girls do, I came very very close to being raped when I was 13, it took sooooo long for me to tell anybody I felt so disgusted with my self and dirty so I don't understand how girls can claim they have when they haven't.
  17. missfontella

    missfontella Mama of Da Assassins

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    easy to post this here

    wanna impress it in the "women's issues" forum

  18. Soulless||Chaos

    Soulless||Chaos SelfInducedExistence

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    I didn't bother reading all this, but I'd like to mention that I think the punishment for false accusation of rape should be the same as for rape. :D It's fair, you know? :D
  19. greengoddess

    greengoddess Nature Freak!

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    I agree, well maybe not the full sentence but something should be done to those who file false rape charges.
  20. interval_illusion

    interval_illusion Deceased

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    i personally dont understand how girls can lie and claim that either...

    however, i do think that some people make it seem like it happens more then it actually happens. its hard enough to prove rape that really happens as it is... espiecially when its a weird situation involving date rape (which, of course, most rape is). if a girl says NO repeatly and then because of being pressured stops saying "no" and an aggressive guy does it anyways and the girl never says "yes" that is still rape.

    anyways.... girls feel ashamed enough as it is when they are raped and things are difficult enough to prove as it is..... if girls are gonna feel like they are being called a liar- well, no wonder girls dont report rapes nearly as often as they happen....

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