How Many Times Per Week Do You Workout?

Discussion in 'Deadbear's Gym' started by Ashalicious, Apr 14, 2015.

  1. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    once or twice..
  2. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    3 - 4 times a week but I'm trying to get up to more like 5 or 6 times

    Mais c'est difficile!
  3. Michael1985

    Michael1985 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I do Fitness Boxing on Switch almost every day.

    I also do pushups and plank four times a week.
  4. Drager1

    Drager1 Members

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    Just finished 3 month of circuits, 1 day rest a week, now split my routine between 2 days, and rotating them, still one day a week full rest. Will be going back to circuits in a few month time.
  5. Idlewild

    Idlewild Members

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    Never. I used to work out, and then I quit. And I don't feel any different, although I look a bit different since I'm not muscular like I used to be. Maybe it's just the pandemic and not leaving my property like I used to.
  6. Michael1985

    Michael1985 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I do weight-bearing exercises like plank and pushups four times a week, and use my Fitness Boxing game for Nintendo Switch almost daily.
  7. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member Lifetime Supporter

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    I have found solace through jogging...

    Doesn't it sound bizarre? I wouldn't have picked myself for a 'jogger' in a million years. But after gyms closed down, I started doing exercise differently... (Even a little before they closed down; I left pre-emptively...) I was doing 1,200 or so jumping jacks in my backyard for awhile, but eventually I ended up doing some jogging at the park down the street - it has a track! :)

    It was a pain in the ass at first. I had to figure out how fast to do it, and wasn't initially very comfortable with my pace at all... So, I went really slow for a long time.

    Another issue with this is my meds (pretty sure it's because of my meds/went to doctor's twice or something, but they say it might be vertigo... :rolleyes:). Believe it or not, I get motion sick if I jog for too long! OMG... It's sooo annoying. Literally vomiting-sick from jogging if I go for, say 2 miles instead of 1. (1 mile is 1.6 KM)

    I was trying to jog 2 miles twice daily, but I was getting sick sometimes. I couldn't figure it out, and stopped jogging for a bit. Then I made decision. I would jog 1 mile (the track is 3 laps to a mile; which for some reason makes it easier psychologically) instead of two, twice a day and just be satisfied with the end-result.

    Then, I began working and dropped down to 1 mile once daily. That's not enoguh...

    Recently, I resolved to jog after work as well as before. That's twice. And it feels good! That's what I've been doing for the last week. On weekends, sometimes I go to the park and jog 4 times per day! 4 miles is pretty good, and I even lose a little weight.
  8. Captain Scarlet

    Captain Scarlet Lifetime Supporter

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    6 days a week now . Roughly an hour each session.
  9. Captain Scarlet

    Captain Scarlet Lifetime Supporter

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    Ive just increased it to 7 now . Got more of an appetite now and a target before the pubs reopen from lockdown
  10. Gustavo Woltmann

    Gustavo Woltmann Members

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    I don't think your muscles would like a seven day training, especially if it's cardio. I always give myself a day off and it's almost always Monday. Don't know why I hate Mondays. I also enjoy healthy lifestyle but I have a cheat day for that, too. They say it is supposed to be a habit, but come on. Pizza and beer, or pasta and wine, strawberries and chocolate... got to go, I am hungry now :p
  11. olderndirt

    olderndirt Senior Member

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    I don't really work out. I have injuries that prevent running and working with weights. I take long fast walks every day, do 50 pushups and abdominal exercises three times a week. That seems to keep me in shape for an old man.
  12. Totally Yoda

    Totally Yoda Members

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    6 days a week.
  13. MrJingles

    MrJingles Members

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    Anything from 5 to 10 times a week.

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