I try to attend the gym at least 3 times per week (need to lose weight till summer). Also go swimming and count calories. This week I'm going to try new coolsculpting new york procedure to get rid of annoying muffin tops and freeze fat cells. My friend advised me this clinic. After 5 procedures she lost 5 lbs and now she can wear swimsuit without embarrassment.
I do reps with my bull-worker and weights throughout the day as a break from work (I work from home) as a way of relieving stress and tension. I want to join a gym to work on my legs as don't think it's good to have an over-developed torso and skinny legs. I'm 6 foot one and weigh around 16 and a half stone.
Nope, can't be Its for people who find bad or less than ideal weather unbearable. Or for men who perv on the ladies
^^ Sometimes i think its the ladies that are the ones that perv on the men. But of course they'll never admit it.
3 times per week of intentional work outs or long runs, but I try and be active every day. Take the stairs, park far away, walk instead of drive, rarely sit still, etc.
i have not witnessed that. and i spend a lot of time perving so i would see if they were doing perving of their own.
^^ I wasn't being serious. But if i think a women is cute, naturally i'll glance over and peek at her when i can.
I go for a run most mornings if for no other reason than to be hyper and active and outside. Something about an early morning run that just sets the tone for the day. I'll do at least three miles. Then, I hit the gym three days a week and try and squeeze in some surfing on the weekends. And I know what you're thinking, but it is a workout if you're doing it right.
I think the main difference is ladies perv more subtilely (if they're by themselves). Men perv often in a way with the idea 'i want to have sex with her' and act on that idea with a halfassed attempt to flirt. Like they insist for themselves on not letting any opportunity untried. Even if there's no opportunity. Any hot lady in the same room as them equals an opportunity in their brain. Hence why men are often seen as bigger perverts than women. A lot of them can't help but show it by acting on it. But a lot of women are really only there for working out. Or if they like getting their physique admired by strange guys just in silence (unless its the right guy. Usually not so ), and without the drool or cheesy compliment. You work out at a gym? Did not expect. Or is it at your workplace?
I did my gym rat phase. 6 days a week, 3 hours a day. Now I try and stick with cardio primarily at least 4 times a week. Less injury, and it keeps my energy and endurance up. And I'm not as young as I was and I refuse to take steroids to try and keep up.
Yes, this appears to be the case for the most part. Though i've definitely seen women perv in a way that was obvious as well.