I currently live with 1 girl. Its a good living situation for both of us. We will be here all winter.. and I feel good about it knowing im living with someone who can pay fucking rent... its also pretty crazy our paths have not crossed.. we are very different in ways.. but we also grew up in the same area... so its cool.. oh and my dog with us. its a better living situation than the one I was in with 5 adults and 5 children in a 4 bedroom house..... you?
Well right now It aint so good with me I moved back home with my mom I was living on my own but it was to stressful for me and I snapped
I live with my mother. Not that it should matter but she is 93 and will be 94 before the year ends...it's a trip living with her, to say the least. Her mind is still good (I think - lol) but she has gotten to where she does kind of strange things. It's just us 2 and the house is pretty decent sized - 3 1/2 bedrooms, 2 baths - upstairs. The basement is somewhere between haunted and creepy, but there is a bathroom/shower and 4 rooms. There are 2 inside cats and 2 outside cats.
I lived alone for almost 5 years.. then it became too hard.. finically... now I have to live with someone to throw in rent.. makes things easier.. if you not living with a psycho crazy bitch...
Currently 4, But This May Vary At Any Given Time.... The House Has 2 Cat Doors And All Can Come And Go As They Please, The Only Rule Being That They Have To Check In At Least Once A Day Or I Go Looking For Them.... Having Said That, I Do Not Live In Town Or On A Busy Street, We Live Smack Bang In The Middle Of Just Under 800 Acres, Yet Rarely Do They Wander More Than 200 Meters From The House.... Cheers Glen.
i live in a house with four people; me, my parents and my sister. its....okay, massive comedown because until recently i'd been living with four friends and having generally more fun around the house, certainly cleaning less. still, mustn't grumble, the meals are free here .
i live in a house with four people; me, my parents and my sister. its....okay, massive comedown because until recently i'd been living with four friends and having generally more fun around the house, certainly cleaning less. still, mustn't grumble, the meals are free here, and so's the heating .
I'm currently on one of my money-saving missions, so I'm living with my family .. 4 other people. Going back to Asia in a few weeks, then I will live with my wonderful girlfriend again. Hooray!
I currently live alone, well with my two dogs. Considering renting a room out lately but haven't decided on that one yet.
My daughter Mia who is 19. My son Kieran who is 18. My niece Jaz who is 17. Animal pals, Lace the dog who is 11 and Buttercup the budgie who is 9.
I live with two others, my husband and daughter. I do not understand why somebody would ask about how many people you live with and then post how many animals you live with.
i live with my boyfriend, my baby, and a dog. Before we moved in together I was always pretty terrified of living with a significant other, but I've found it works out way better than a roommate situation.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kw02oX3_uC8"]De La Soul - Me, Myself And I I've lived alone for a long time, and it mostly suits me
Just me and my husband. Sometimes I miss having a roommate, too, but mostly just when my husband is having his man period and being a dick. lol