How many of you speak fluent French?

Discussion in 'Canada' started by Spacer, Jan 31, 2005.

  1. jamaica

    jamaica Member

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    as a metis, she is part french canadian like it or not, so you i think are a hypocrit. so meh, i'm out. oh...but a final p.s. :hbc was an english based and owned company, so anything the french canadians did under the hbc name was lining the english pocket, dude. peace out foo'.
  2. cosmicbrat

    cosmicbrat Member

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    So what if I like Metis, but not French... It's my perogative!

    I like green grass, but I really do not like the color yellow, but green is made of blue and yellow, yet I still say I like green grass, and I don't say I just like blue grass...

    French genes may well be in my dear lady's composition, but we both don't acknowlege it in the slightest, and we both are extremely cautious about dealings with French Canadians... If that makes us racist, then so be it, then I'm an evil yukky poophead badmind racist... French Canadian criminals made me grow that way...
  3. tuatara

    tuatara Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    i kind of hate to say this but DUH the hudson bay was and always has been an english company under british rule ,,,not french .someone needs to go back to school ..and as for the metis being burned out and all...same thing ..the english may want to go to casa loma in toronto and look at who signed louis riel's death order ..wasn't a french judge for sure .and to our friend in southern ontario do know your history of the frnch very well ..kudos to you my friend
  4. cosmicbrat

    cosmicbrat Member

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    That's cool... Then I guess, for you, that pretty much invalidates everything I've said, and everything I have to say... I can handle that... but can you..

    Then maybe it was, the French English, or the English French, who did all those nasty things to the Native peoples... Kudos and poop and thht and sniffle on me I guess... Well you kudosed real me good with that one... my legs and arms just fell right off... OK! I'll conceed... The English are the only ones who did any bad deeds in Acadia and Canada... and the French were absolute darling angels to the Native peoples... and I should fully trust the French Canadian with all my love and abilities... and let the French Canadian do whatever they want to do to my life...
  5. jamaica

    jamaica Member

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    the french haven't made you jack shit. you made you that way. at least own your prejudice outright bro. no one ever makes anyone ever do anything.
  6. cosmicbrat

    cosmicbrat Member

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    The rain makes you wet...
    The winter makes you cold...
    The sun makes you dry and warm...
    The virus makes you sick...
    Food poisoning makes you squirt...
    The smell of rotting caracas makes your stomach churn...
    The perpetual prolific acts of bullies and criminals makes you cautious...
  7. jamaica

    jamaica Member

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    no BODY makes you anything. i'm not talking about fucking rain. i'm talking about your feelings and perceptions. how you REACT to and / or perceive getting wet or sick or dry. you and only you are responsible for those. you have the ability to evaluate and change those perceptions. not anyone else. for example i percieve by reading your posts that you are rather self centered and limited in your thinking, with a tendency to blame others for your lifes bad dealings. i and only i have the ability to say i'm being too harsh in my judgement and decide to be more openminded to your words...or body else can do that for me. its a cop out and self stunting to say otherwise.
  8. cosmicbrat

    cosmicbrat Member

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    Wow! You seem to really love the French Canadian...
    It seem you have a real big thing about French Canadians, and about "prejudice"... so Big that you can't see anything but prejudices in everything you see... You must seek it out... It must be a very painfull existance for you... I bet you were prejudiced so bad when you were young, that it has now become your whole life's path, reliving all your old pains, daily, like a sweater with built in chips and scars... It must be a real hell for you... Maybe it was all your fault... Maybe you got predjudiced for being prejudice... Maybe you started the feud... You obviously take on a fued very well... I bet you are defending the under dog, in a desperate effort to illustrate that you ar capable of a little bit of "love"...

    There are several options for your disability: let it go, get help, suicide, get involved in active terrorism, hide away in a wilderness cabin, injest an assortment of the various antistress drugs, ingest a lot of pot,coke, and horse, join a convent/monastary, or move to Newfoundland...

    OK... I'll put it another way...
    I was standing at a street corner payphone, on the strip in VancouverBC..., A girl came walking by with her big black-lab dog. The dog stopped beside me, and lifted its leg by my leg... and with all the Karate force I could muster into a precident upward side kick, I kicked it in the gut as hard as I could, sending it flipping through air, onto the road on its back, into the path of an oncoming vehicle... The car stopped... I think my toe even felt its backbone...

    If I hadn't have kicked that dog, it would have pissed all over my leg and shoe... Who knows, maybe I burst a few of its organs with that lightning hard kick... It's how I won a few tournaments back when...

    ALL the French Canadians I've met have tried to rob and/or harm me...
    The only difference between those french canadian situations, and the peepee doggie, is that I saw the fc's coming, and just barely managed to get away from them before they could peepee my leg and shoe...
    I avoid the french canadian like I avoid pain, and sorrow, and grief, and doggie poops on park paths, and christians, and peepee dogs, and mud puddles, and deep snow, and dangerous cliffs, and thin ice, and killer-bee nests, and mite infestations, and sticky theatre seats, and roaming bears, and carcass dumps, and irrate cops, and rotting foods, and drunks, and psychotics, and road ragers, and hunters, and public campgrounds, and washed out gravel roads, and dark figures lurking in the shadows, and peoples who fart in my presence, and fat sweaty people, and green moldy meat, and the mindless numbs, and bitches who wear musk deer-nuts perfumes and skunk-ass perfumes, and that charlie perfume nauseant that smells like wet ajax... and french safes, and wet sloppy french kisses, and crunchy dried-out french breads... Here's one you'll get a charge off of: I even peel the french language labels off the products I purchase, and I only read the English sides of cereal boxes and health products...

    Since you seem to love the French Canadian so much, you could give them that little bit extra love to make up for them losing mine, for my many terrible prejudices... They won't hurt nor won't miss my love in the slightest... They just won't be getting my toys, trust, money, nor blood...
    I'm sure there's lots of others in this 6-billion that they can rob, cheat, and bleed, out there in hell on earth...
    And who knows, maybe you are their next victim... Lock your doors, and don't leave any valuables in your car...
  9. jamaica

    jamaica Member

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  10. Utopian

    Utopian Member

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    Salut Jamaica d'Irlande,
    Si tu viens au Québec, tu n'aura aucun problème à parler français où que tu sois et tu pourra même utiliser la langue anglaise presque partout. Y a toujours quelqu'un de bilingue dans les villages les plus reculés. Dans les montagnes où nous vivons, nous avons un camp de bois rond en forêt qui est très apprécié des visiteurs étrangers. Si tu aimes la nature et la vie en plein air, tu adorerais quelques jours dans ce camp dont tu peux voir la photo dans la section "page web" du groupe de discussion MSN. Tu trouveras l'adresse de ce groupe en cliquant sur mon profile, et également dans l'album de photos de la section "images" du même groupe, sous le titre Ma Cabane au Canada.
    Mais tu n'as pas dit le pourquoi de ta question. Ne savais-tu pas que le Québec est majoritairement francophone?
  11. jamaica

    jamaica Member

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    utopia, to whom are you addressing this post?
  12. Utopian

    Utopian Member

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    to you of course, I thought you spoke french!
  13. darrellkitchen

    darrellkitchen Lifetime Supporter

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    Salut l'Utopie de Québec.

    Je vois que vous avez pris mon conseil.

    Cependant, vous avez besoin seulement du clic sur votre username et choisissez "le homepage d'utopistes de visite!"

    Ayez l'amusement et appréciez !

  14. jamaica

    jamaica Member

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    mais non mon frere! (haha) i only understand a smattering from grade 8 and having grown up in a bilingual country :) i could kind of make out what you were saying, but had to take it to a translator page to get it for sure lol. i've been to quebec, in the beauport area, and i enjoyed my stay very much. i found the people i met very willing to speak english with me and it was a beautiful place. i've never experienced anymore or less animosity from a francophone than i have any other culture. my grandmother was french / cree, but in shame stopped speaking it when she moved to maillardville in bc at 12 yrs old. she pretty much lost the tongue :(
  15. SageDreamer

    SageDreamer Senior Member

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    I speak fluent French but I don't live in Quebec.

    I could see myself living happily in Canada.
  16. Duncan

    Duncan Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    On dit que moi je parle français comme une vache espagnole :)

  17. tuatara

    tuatara Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    mooooooooooooooooo est espagnol??

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