Just for interest sake, how long do most guys last in bed? Im not talking about 4play etc just about penetration?
Back in the early days, about 2 minutes, then I learned to STOP (edging actually), and that made it much longer. As long as she and i wished, especilaly when she adopted the 'reverse missionary' so that she controlled the speed, pressure, angles and so on. Fond memories.
I can last till I can make the woman cum but thats it...for me it is more important thatr I recharge fast and can go a half dozen a night....I prefer that to lasting an hour.
i try to spend at least 8 hours a night in bed, but 9 1/2 hours is really the ideal to make me feel rested the next day.
I fucked a FWB tongiht and didnt last very long to be honest. I kept going though after I came in her (wore a condom) but didnt get as hard.. usually when the girl rides me i last longer but tonight idk what happened. Probably cuz last time i ejaculated was 2 or 3 days ago :blush5:
I have always been one to watch the clock during sex. I taught Tantra for several years and have learned to prolong intercourse by not ejaculating. It is all a matter of knowing your body and cotrolling yourself. More often than not, in my life, women tell me that I last way too long for them. So, I often do not ejaculate during intercourse. When I am with other men's wives, with their approval, and often watching us, I do ejaculate for them, in the wife. It is what they want. The truth is that I love the feeling of being in a woman so much that I don't want to ejaculate. I only do so when it is called for.
.....Or, thats all rubbish, and its just where all the nerve endings end up, how sensitive they are down there relative to every other guy, and of course the bigger they are the less likely those nerve endings are packed in tightly. Some guys never need to learn to control themselves. For every 20 guys that post something like you did, there is 1 that will post, "Help, I'm 19 and I cant cum from sex" and those other 20 guys just will simply refuse to believe him
Depends on who Im with, and how I'm being stimulated. Alone it can take several hours because im an unenthusiastic lazy fuck. When I'm with my partner; a half hour to an hour tops, and with randoms or other partners whove not been as catering as my current one, anywhere from an hour to who the fuck knows when coz they get their nut and give up.
I don't last very long at all. Sometimes just a few thrusts and I'm cumming. However, I'm very passionate about servicing my wife orally so we make sure she is completely satisfied already before I penetrate her at all.