How Long Before the New Revolution?

Discussion in 'Activist Polls' started by skip, Nov 14, 2007.

  1. Meretrix

    Meretrix Member

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    That is a very good idea, but the only problem I have with it is its heavy reliance on technology, but in looking at our modern society today, we rely on technology just as much now with electronic voting and such. I just don't trust technology much because everything has it's flaws. The only way I could see this being implemented though is to start your own country.

  2. XBloodyNailPolishX

    XBloodyNailPolishX Forgetful Philosopher

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    I believe that if we do it right, nature and technology and coexist. Technology is a great invention that has helped people so much; just look, I'm in Arizona, talking to people from California and all over the country. Its the evil-minded people who misuse technology (like with the patriot act) that ruin it.
    But yeah; lets have a convention!! A hip Forums convention! I'm in!
  3. stev90

    stev90 Banned

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    Revolution, evolution, change is a natural process, it is all part of nature.
    Change can be slow, gradual, or violent, radical. Yet, even violent, radical change was the product of slow, gradual seemingly miniscule change.

    Those who embrace change and adapt, survive, while those who resist and fail to adapt, perish.

    Whether we like it or not, we are all living in the midst of constant change.

    We don't have to wait until bombs fly before we realize that change has already been going on for quite awhile.
    The whole point is to embrace change and to prepare for it.

    Even in small day to day activities, we ourselves are facilitators, initiators and participants of change in this world.

    Some people don't even realize that even seemingly small acts or even subtly different ways of looking at things when compounded, can become catalysts for major change.
  4. burnabowl

    burnabowl Dancing Tree

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    ^good call. Anyone who feels like they are in an unchanging state is deluded. Our very distinction from animals is that we have to always be on the go, always ready to creatively adapt. The using of fuel in the body is automatic, maybe immutable, but procuring the fuel is not instinctive. That's where we have to be ready to adapt and change.

    It's kinda stupid that we have this convenient, concrete civilization, because it tricks the psyche into thinking that you've reached a place where you don't have to change for the better. People think we've reached a stasis with nature, by detaching ourselves from it and thinking that we don't need it anymore for survival. They excuse their minds from further evolution because they see that their survival is not an issue on a daily basis.

    If they realize anything, it's only that they've become stagnate. But this is more delusion; a human cannot remain in an unchanging state.They can try, but nature and the world is evolving without them, so they are regressing in a relative sense. It's not even a divine thing to choose to grow and develop long into adulthood, it's a natural human thing, that used to be obvious before we removed ourselves from the natural world.
  5. Meretrix

    Meretrix Member

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    The only problem with how it is all natural is that humans are begining to defy everything that is considered 'natural,' other than we are living beings. With technology and philosophies and religion, we are unique in nature, we have our own cycle. I believe this is the reason why society is so decadent today, we need to realize what is going on and revert back to our natural state and embrace Mother Earth; technology should be a tool in this, not a goal.
  6. Duck

    Duck quack. Lifetime Supporter

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  7. XBloodyNailPolishX

    XBloodyNailPolishX Forgetful Philosopher

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    I have a theory!!
    For those of you who believe in the Indigo Child theory...
    more and more Indigo Children are being born everyday... which means that it is only a short matter of time before a revolution happens!! Indigo Children will change this world; once all the old conservative fundies die out, soon the majority will be young, youthful, wise beyond their years Indigos who will change the world for the better...
  8. sophie20

    sophie20 Member

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    "technology should be a tool in this, not a goal" I agree with that, people are so focused on technology that they forget t appreciate nature. In simpler things like a sunrise or the starts is a lot of beauty. Techonology is important but it is not all...
  9. XBloodyNailPolishX

    XBloodyNailPolishX Forgetful Philosopher

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    exactly, I totally agree. But these days technology can "replicate" anything... never as perfect as nature herself, but people are forgetting about nature, reality, and the real world, in favor of the virtual. Look how many people are addicted to the internet, games, virtual worlds, etc... I wish we could take all the computer addicts out there and leave them in beautiful nature for a week, it would heal and purify them and open their eyes to true beauty, the beauty that's been forgotten by many...
  10. The Indy Hippy

    The Indy Hippy Member

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    Truth be told I don't know when a revolution is coming. But I sure as hell can't wait till it does. Skip's idea of government through proxy doesn't sound too bad but somehow I just don't see it as working. Maybe if I take some time to think it through.

    Anyway. Most revolutions have been violent, egotistical, religious bids against powers that they wished to rise above. To become more poweful than their previous form of government. Biggest case an' point. The U.S. of fuckin' A. On one hand we have a tyrannical powerhungry tax loving Catholic government. On the other we have a bunch of Protestant rebels. Yet when the smoke cleared away an' we had this new country guess what it resembled??

    Bloody Great Britian. Our forefathers fought to abolish tyranny, taxes, an' political retardation. Yet here we stand in a country that is even more tyrannical than it's father ever could be, man. So where does this leave us?......

    You tell me.....
  11. SpreadneckGA

    SpreadneckGA Member

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    The farther we have moved away from the foundations the country was founded on the more we have moved towards what you described. We are going the route of all democracies, which is why we were set up as a representative republic.
  12. XBloodyNailPolishX

    XBloodyNailPolishX Forgetful Philosopher

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    I agree. Unfortunately; in order for this revolution to be successful, it may well have to be violent. I'm seeing that more and more; being rational and peaceful and just talking it out doesn't work. People don't listen.
  13. dogeeda

    dogeeda Member

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    by the time the old fundies die out the young won't be so young and will be turning into the next batch of old fundies. people have been waiting for the old to die out forever but they are replaced by the new old. if you want change you must change minds now. the waiting game is a losing strategy.
  14. newo

    newo Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    This is why change comes gradually. Now that the baby boomers are in power the ideals they felt when they were young radicals have influenced society. It's true that many have sold out but many still retain some of that young magic.
  15. beoworg

    beoworg Member

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    who says "the revolution" won't be aimed against you?
  16. wordman

    wordman Member

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    The revolution is happening right now. This thread proves it. Just the fact that the idea is being discused is the beginning. I believe that humans are in the painful proccess of moving toward self awareness. I don't think that we are talking about a revolution with guns and bombs though. It is a revolution of personal responsiblity. The refusal to be represented by a third party with it's own selfish interests. When we have awakened to the eternal nature of the life force and have come to terms with our "oneness" with the universe, (or multiverse) then the false conceptions we labor under will, by their very nature, be replaced with love and truth. That will be the real revolution. Freedom is not the product of a political system. Freedom is the life lived in balance.

    much love and peace
  17. heatscore

    heatscore Member

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    did it ever occur to folks that all revolutions in recent history
    were at the barrell of the gun, as in political power grows out of
    the barrell of it? There's a war going on, didn't you all now?
    The revolution's already on, just check the guerilla media,
    were just waiting for the white middle class pacifist activists
    to join us
  18. guy

    guy Senior Member

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    does that new revolution come with fries??
  19. aeonsbeyond

    aeonsbeyond Member

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    WHOA Master Skippy, infinite deja vu psycho-loop...hasnt alternative culture/The Movement/The Underground been asking this question since Kennedy was killed? answer in and of itself.

    Flashback 1968 question: Is the revolution external or internal ...or both? Throw the bums out in direct confrontation or work on ones own inner dharma? Answer 2008: multiple generations of wiser people have descended from the internal revolution, while the US government is crazier more fascist and more terribly run than ever...and I have to say much harder to take on directly than in 1968.

    Maybe this is why 60s history seems to be repeating/echoing so much lately: this debate was hot and heavy back then, and choices were made that affect us all today now that the worm has turned and whats gone around has come around, more or less.

    I think we as a counterculture have made much more internal progress in these 40-odd years, and I dont think any civilian group dare take up arms gainst the govt these days, though maybe Im wrong. I think any resistance against the current regime must remain one of nonviolent counterintelligence...using brains not brawn to stealthily advance our causes.

    Dear Gawd, please let us not be too stupid to save ourselves.

    So maybe the answer to the question of when will it happen?? is: its been happening all along, brother.
  20. rainbowedskylover

    rainbowedskylover Senior Member

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    I agree with you. i think there is a lot more happening than the media wants to show us, sometimes they just ignore it because they don't understand what is going on.

    i think this revolution is more one of being than one of doing in the sense that what you are is the statement and not what you do. so if you are an advocate of peace love and understanding, would an act of violence ever be justified? in my opinion its not, because by commiting the act of violence you indirectly say its justified to commit an act of violence being an advocate of the following.

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