How Long Before the New Revolution?

Discussion in 'Activist Polls' started by skip, Nov 14, 2007.

  1. XBloodyNailPolishX

    XBloodyNailPolishX Forgetful Philosopher

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    um, excuse me, but do you know what happens to people who act out? We get tazed, beaten, arrested, or worse. I'm not saying thats an excuse to be apathetic, but you have to underdstand, this is a tyrannical dictatorship, not a free democracy anymore. Sure, we have basic rights, and we do have a lot to be thankful for. But at the same time, our country and our constitution has promised us certain unaliable rights that have indeed been taken from us. And the people can only do so much when everytime someone speaks out they are violently silenced.
  2. earthmother

    earthmother senior weirdo

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    The trick is to "speak out" in such a way that they really have to stretch things to be able to beat you up for it. If you can fly under radar as much as possible, or at least APPEAR to be "LEGAL" or socially "acceptable", and while doing so educate others and live the way you see fit REGARDLESS, that is the best way to revolt. The statement "we are change" is true. But you have to not wait for someone else to do it. Lots of times it's just a matter of not being shy and speaking up. (Revolution does not have to be about violent acts or behaving like a "nut".) Because there are an awful lot of folks out there (most) who will see a situation that is not good and NOT ACT AT ALL. People will complacently sit and watch something unfold that they are not comfortable with but DO NOTHING AT ALL (except maybe complain to someone "safe") because they are afraid of making waves, making a "spectacle" of themselves, being different from those in their circle...
  3. Celtic Hippie

    Celtic Hippie Member

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    very true earth mother
  4. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Does anyone have any ideas to add to mine?Critisisms?
  5. recklessrick

    recklessrick Member

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    this is the internet there are no rules
  6. st. stephen

    st. stephen Senior Member

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    the power is right there waiting for us, but were so afraid to cross the bridge, we just let it get further every day. we can't be afraid what they might do to us if we decide to have a nonviolent(the only way in my mind) revolution. they will hit us with there nightclubs and taze us with their tazers, but isnt it worth it to take back our country, and finally let people live their lives, not the one u find ideal for them? we must do it for future generations, and if we fail, our children can look back and say, my parents were the fighters, the ones who risked everything for the ideals they believed in.
  7. recklessrick

    recklessrick Member

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    Waitin' for a signal comin' down the line
    load your magazine clip
    I'll load mine

    And don't you know i feel proud
    just to shake your hand
    and don't you know i'll feel proud
    just to make a stand
    when the old man dies
    When we rise

    waitn' on the rooftops
    as the bullets whine
    pull your hand granade pin
    i'll pull mine

    don't you know i'll feel proud
    just to shake your hand
    don't you know i'll be proud
    just to make a stand
    on Ascension day
    when we rise

    Now when we rise power to the workers
    when we rise power to the people
    when we rise power to the poor
    when rise power to us all

    on Ascencion day.....when we rise

    From the L.P. Third World War Ascencion Day Fly records (U.K. only)
  8. XBloodyNailPolishX

    XBloodyNailPolishX Forgetful Philosopher

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    oh yes, the "eye for an eye" train of thought. People hurt me, so I'll hurt them. Its like saying being violent is wrong so you'll respond by being violent.
    See how fast your ass is locked away. What will you accomplish then?
    Look at history. The peaceful people like John Lennon, Martin Luther King and Gahndi made huge strides WITHOUT violence. Now look at people who use violence; they're seen as violent psychos, thus ignored and locked away.
    If we want peace, we must dish it out as well. The idea of harming others shouldn't be our first solution.
  9. Celtic Hippie

    Celtic Hippie Member

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    fight violence with peace
  10. newo

    newo Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Unfortunately there are those who only respect you if you fight back. If you turn the other cheek they'll merely punch the other cheek. It's not wrong to fight back, you're defending yourself. You shouldn't be arrested for defending yourself, though unfortunately it happens sometimes.

    I'm a peace loving man but I know it's necessary to earn and maintain others' respect. I've told people, "You might kick my ass, but then you'll have to kill me to keep me from paying you back later." And you know something? I haven't been in a fight in many years.
  11. rainbowedskylover

    rainbowedskylover Senior Member

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    and what happens? all those people who do not care for others and think it is justified to use violence when it rightful to them (whenever they please) start bitchin at people for no good reason and spoil the forums.....and that is only the least, what about internet crime? violence real great tool to gain power, but is it also a suitable tool to evolve to a more decent society?
  12. Celtic Hippie

    Celtic Hippie Member

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    very true rainbow
  13. burnabowl

    burnabowl Dancing Tree

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    The option I would have chosen is 25 years. That's about when most babyboomers die off. No offense to babyboomers, there's just so many of them that they usually get their way. The only reason the boomers tried for a revolution in the 60's is because they could; they had the numbers to do it. Unfortunately they couldn't see past the down-sides of their movement enough to make it survive. Plus there was a generation fighting them that was equivalent in age to them as today's boomers are to us. So hopefully the difference between the eras will be a more diverse and tolerant population, etc, etc, lofty pipe dream....
  14. XBloodyNailPolishX

    XBloodyNailPolishX Forgetful Philosopher

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    don't think about morals. Just be impulsive and violent. Genius idea.
  15. Meretrix

    Meretrix Member

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    For the sake of humanity it better be soon, but with the government the way it is, it puts fear in the masses to herd to the system. Everyone relies on the government for safety, instead of themselves. We need to rally together to begin something, as no one will follow if there is no leader. In all actuality, there doesn't need many people to start a revolution. About 25 devoted people can take over a small to mid sized city, until the feds and/or military get involved. There just needs to be something set up on a mass scale, which is hard since fucking Bush and things like the Patriot act. We need to put America back to how it started, and back away from where it is headed; America should never be a fascism.
  16. Celtic Hippie

    Celtic Hippie Member

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    lets get a convention! To show that we want a change.
  17. Meretrix

    Meretrix Member

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    If only it were as easy as a convention...
  18. newo

    newo Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    A peace convention. That's quite a novel idea. Such a convention would generate a lot of publicity.

    It costs a lot of money to put on a convention though, and the peace & justice movement is non-profit. Rallies and marches are more practical, but it's been done many times before and doesn't generate much publicity unless it turns violent.

    All you can do is keep fighting the good fight.
  19. Celtic Hippie

    Celtic Hippie Member

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    It costs a lot of money
    Yah I know thats a big problem
  20. recklessrick

    recklessrick Member

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    How long before the new revolution?
    Lets finish the last one first

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