How is your body effected by being vegetarian?

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by willowbaby89, Aug 19, 2005.

  1. willowbaby89

    willowbaby89 Member

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    Well i recently became a vegetarian and noticed change in my body,I went from eating all meat,no veggies,to all fruits and veggies and alot of soy,now i notice my body is alot more lean and more toned,How was your body effected when your body made the change?Did you tone up or lose weight or has your body stayed the same?How is your overall health now compared to before??!?!?!
  2. kayte

    kayte Member

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    eat well, it's great...just went to the doctor and got a whole round of blood tests for my annual; they measured calcium, iron, etc. and i was on the high normal side for calcium. the doctor was impressed. oh, i eat no dairy whatsoever...
    i can't even remember what i looked like back then, but i certainly was rounder. you're right about the general eating habits though - i stopped eating meat right after highschool, but back then, it was just meat, cheese, and carbs that i'd eat. now i mostly eat fruits and veggies...i think it's a slow progression. at any rate...
  3. PurpleGel

    PurpleGel Senior Member

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    affected, not effected... just for your own knowledge.
  4. interval_illusion

    interval_illusion Deceased

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    when i eat a veggie diet i DEFIANTLY start to feel a lot more toned. then again... it could be the yoga doing that too... haha....
  5. PurpleGel

    PurpleGel Senior Member

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    you should also feel healthier, have more energy, sleep better, have more pleasant breath, and have fewer health problems as you age.
  6. DancerAnnie

    DancerAnnie Resident Beach Bum

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    I've been veg for almost seven years...and I know I've lost weight and gained tone. I also feel better...more energy, more focused, more stamina...etc.

    A veg diet is fantastic!
  7. gertie

    gertie Senior Member

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    i am healthier than i was before. more content. my body was being ripped apart by itself and health problems thats plagued. vegetarianism was a way to contain teh health issues and get my life back without medications.
  8. Liv3307

    Liv3307 Member

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    I'm a lacto-vegetarian. I'm considering going full vegan but i'm a little weary on it. Please help!!! How hard is it?
  9. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    Liv, some have no issues and some people with a dairy comfort food have trouble.
    Are you fond of dairy foods, as in crave them of use them as your main protein source?
    I'm self defined lacto because I really enjoy Indian dairy dishes and I occasionally eat pizza & have no good substitute that works for me.
    I probably will always be so, and I've been veg 24 years this week & lacto only for 4.

    I'm adding more and more vegan cuisine (I cook two styles for the people in the house) and starting a walk back to the mainly whole foods I ate as a single woman.
    If my omni spiuse really want white rice, he can take me for Indian! ;P

    best beginner vegan books I have seen: Vegan cooking for one and Vegan Vittles.
  10. lost in smoke

    lost in smoke Member

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    sayin u get toned fro bein a vege over seven years is pretty odd reall. could it be summa to do with you growing up? vegetarianism for 5 yrs helped me see things in a different way, but ive jus started eatin meat again and within a month my skin has started to glow way more, and tighten, and i have grown muscle from even sittin on the couch!
  11. Spacer

    Spacer 'Enlighten yourself'

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    I lost weight when I went veggie and feel much healthier for it, if only I could give up drinking and smoking I'd be even better. I'm even at the stage now where after eating fries or processed food I feel a bit crappy after it.
  12. verseau_miracle

    verseau_miracle Banned

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    I also gained "tone"...i have no pieces of useless flab, my eyes are brighter, i have much more energy...i just seem to GLOW whole face seems more animated. Also my nails lost those white spots and grow a lot faster. So does my hair...and it shines:)

  13. verseau_miracle

    verseau_miracle Banned

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    Yeah you were right to pick up on that. Affect/effect mistakes affect me really badly.
  14. wiccan_witch

    wiccan_witch Senior Member

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    I'm not veggy but I have noticed after switiching to a diet with a lot of fruit and veges that I just feel so much better! I have so much more energy and my eyes are so much brighter. I think a lot more clearly too.
  15. 3littlebirds

    3littlebirds Member

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    well im not sure as i've been vegetarian for most of my life...but compared to my meat-eating friends i'm in MUCH better shape. Not to be gross, but I never have "rotten egg" farts like those of meat eaters. And since giving up most dairy, I never get constipated or have "digestive" problems.
  16. Spacer

    Spacer 'Enlighten yourself'

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    Lol, I get them from Guinness! :D
  17. littlemistymop

    littlemistymop Member

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    Since I been vegie Ive been depressed, lacking energy, aches and pains, unmotivated all the time and generally unwell. It's been 10 or so years. Vegan on and off for 2.
  18. brandonveg

    brandonveg Member

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    little misty....maybe you should pay attention to your eating habits and if they are good, then use supplements...just an idea, i dont know your situation.....
    ..I have felt great since I went veg...I have slimmed down some but seem to have kept all my muscle....I workout about the same amount as I did before I went veg.....My digestion is better...I sleep a little bit better, but the yoga is starting to help me some more.....I take a wholefoods vitamin and flaxseed oil...
  19. Greengirl

    Greengirl Senior Member

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    I never wanted to eat meet,but when i was little my parents allways make me eat it.It never tasted good to me and i feel bad,when i know i`m eating something that was alive.It`s fucking awfull!!!!The poor chickens.Never mind,now i don`t eat meat anymore and i feel much more healthy;):):)!
  20. Icarus

    Icarus Member

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    I was 11 when I stopped eating meat, and I was told that it wasn't a very good time to do so (what with puberty and growing and all that jazz), but I was stubborn. I felt much healthier, and over time I lost some weight. The only problem was that whenever I got sick, it took a veeery long time for me to get over it, even if it was just a little cold. I ended up staying out of school for 2 months because of a little virus once, and I was told it was because of the lack of meat in my diet.

    I still don't eat meat, but now I'm much more careful. I make sure that I'm still eating everything that I need to stay healthy, although it's very hard to get supplements where I'm living.

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