How is it like to have sex with an intact penis vs circumsized one

Discussion in 'Love and Sex' started by Meaichi Hasigeto, Nov 13, 2019.

  1. Meaichi Hasigeto

    Meaichi Hasigeto Members

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    I'm looking to learn about the experiences about this topic from both male and female point of view
  2. NubbinsUp

    NubbinsUp Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I was circumcised at birth, because it was common where I was born and when I was born there, so I have no direct basis for comparison. However, it is clear that I missed out on some sensation and stimulation that I would otherwise have had if I had not been circumcised. The foreskin (male prepuce) has some nerves that can transmit a sense of pain or pleasure to the brain, and it produces some mucosa, lubrication, particularly during sex.

    From speaking with women I know well enough to discuss intimate subjects, there's no discernible difference during coitus, vaginal penetrative intercourse. It's a matter of preference to some women regarding the visual appeal of the penis or during oral sex, but that preference points in different directions for different women.

    I missed out on some sensation by being circumcised, but not much. I decided not to have my son circumcised at birth, but medical sources are split on whether the benefits outweigh the risks. An argument can be made either way.

    If a boy is born into a Muslim or Jewish family, he's going to be circumcised, most likely. If a woman is considering having sex with a Jew or Muslim, she's got to expect that he's going to be circumcised. Conversely, for most of the world's population, especially outside the US, the smart money says that she should expect his penis to be intact.

    Because your profile indicates that you are a woman, imagine how sex would be different for you if only your clitoris hood (female prepuce) was surgically removed. It's a valid basis for comparison. It would be different for you and for your partner, but not remarkably so.

    I'm not advocating male circumcision or female genital mutilation here; just trying to answer the question in good faith.
  3. Boshcak

    Boshcak Members

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    My penis's head is much too sensitive to touch directly without the foreskin in the way. I cannot bear having it stroked or touched "naked". It is quite interesting, I can have to masturbate by rubbing the foreskin over the head, but if penetrating a woman the foreskin is kind of "stripped back" by her labia so the head penetrates her vagina "naked". Pretty sure cut guys don't experience it like that?
  4. diesel#

    diesel# Members

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    I was circumcised as a baby but declined to have the same thing performed on my son at birth. My wife likes how circumcised looks and she feels like it’s cleaner, but I’d bet she’d be willing to jump on an uncircumcised penis just to try it (if we ever decide to go there one day)
  5. pamssss

    pamssss Newbie

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    I as a woman, prefer uncut
    joker69 likes this.
  6. starfield03

    starfield03 Members

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    I'm a guy and I've been circumcised since birth. I personally like how it looks and have never felt like I wasn't getting enough pleasure.
    I imagine if I have sons they'll be cut too.
  7. asianbbc_KL

    asianbbc_KL Members

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    Jesus said :

    "If circumcision was beneficial, their mothers would have begotten them in the womb circumcised."
  8. Mrcurios

    Mrcurios Members

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    Do not remember reading that.

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