How I try to overcome Anxiety and Depression

Discussion in 'Mental Health' started by Mpuckett93, Oct 30, 2013.

  1. Mpuckett93

    Mpuckett93 Member

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    If you don't care about what I went through with my depression and just wanna read about how I stop it, that's in the 3rd paragraph :2thumbsup:

    Depression and anxiety seem to come hand in hand. I figured if anyone could get help from my experience's getting over anxiety and depression, without anti-depressants I should tell them. Because I know how hard it can be some times and some times you just feel like there's no reason to live, but you have to find you're reason to live.

    I've had a lot of problems with this since I was a kid (bad childhood), when I first really realized it was a problem was probably about when I was 13 and I tried to make myself happy with weed and alcohol, and any legal drug that wasn't hard to get a hold of. And all my friends where troubled kids too who were all into that stuff. I ended up getting my girlfriend pregnant and she had my daughter when I was 16. Which is kind of where my depression and anxiety becomes a major issue when I have the emotions of a child trying to raise my own. Also only having the knowledge of a 16 year old it's a lot of pressure to be under. I'm 19 now and my daughter is 3.

    Now what I say I don't recommend it to anyone who is against drugs, but if you really have bad depression and anxiety, magic mushrooms have been studied to help with depression and PTSD. For me listening to Carl Sagan put in perspective the size of the universe and the very little bit of time we're really on this planet compared to the age of the universe. I listened to that and then I took an 8th of fresh Cubes and I had such a powerful trip and it completely shattered the ego, and after that trip I was thinking of all things that usually worry me to death and I just realize this moment I'm going through is really only a tiny blip of time compared to how old everything is. And some people this may add to their anxiety I don't know how you're brain works, but this really has taken so much pressure off my shoulders and I really feel like I'm more in control of my depression than it controlling me. But obviously its a day to day struggle but I feel a lot more comfortable in my shitty position.

    Take what you will from that, or butcher it and say how it's horse shit :) Also I smoke weed like every day but I don't think you should if you have depression issues and stuff because it does become some what of a crutch, you shouldn't use marijuana as a crutch. But like I said I smoke it every day XD
  2. Chodpa

    Chodpa Senior Member

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    You're masking the symptoms. In any therapy the first step is to live through the pain. At some point if you endure the pain it takes a backseat and then loses its intensity. Finally it recedes to the background. For many drugs will allow the underlying problem to fester, just as does religion, sex addiction, work, why there are many ways to ignore what one is feeling. None of them are therapy. But the traditional means are the best, healthhy food, regular sleep - activity schedule, clean living, exercise.... even psychiatric drugs just treat symptoms.

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