okay, newbee here trying to achieve pleasure with a prostate massage. My wife bought purchased the Doc Johnson for me and I've tried it 3 times and have no clue how far in I should put it or how to find my prostate. All I know is its up near my navel area Any suggestions or instructions are much appreciative
The prostate isn't particularly near the navel. http://www.prostate-massage-and-health.com/images/xProstateExamDiagramNoTITLE_600.jpg.pagespeed.ic.xWnDV-ef7j.jpg
Halfway Between The Base Of Your Dick And Your Butt.....About A Finger Length Inside To Be Exact......Had A Prostate Exam About An Hour Ago So It's Location Is Still Fresh In My Mind.......And I Didn't Realise My Doctor Had Such Big Fingers........ Cheers Glen.
Go to the Aneros website. They give you plenty of info on the subject. They are award winning with their prostate products. I too am more curious about prostate massaging and my doctor also recommended it for the aging process. Yesterday I ordered the Aneros Helix Sync. From what I read it should self guide to the prostate and it is hands free after it is in. You use kegal exercises to work it which is suppose to help too. Guess I will see once it arrives what they say is true.
I went to get a prostate exam and the doctor put his left hand on my shoulder. Wait, he put his right hand on my shoulder. Wait, he put both hands on my shoulders! Oh fuck!!! C/S, Rev J
Worst thing you can hear from the nurse after the dr gives you a prostate exam: "Who's that guy that just came out of this room?"
i remember going for yearly exams at a job i used to have, when i started they just got a new dr. and all the old timers would ask about getting a finger up your ass when you were at the exam, when us new guys said he didnt do it the old guys would get upset. maybe the old doc was just a perv.
In and towards the front. I fyou are having trouble, start by locating it when you have to urinate, when you hit your prostate, it almost feels like you need to pee more. Once you get the hang of it, most random objects work, my favorite is the bullet shaped top to a jacuzzi chlorine floater, I ride this thing just about everyday,and have for a few years, it's crazy how my pelvis can gyrate now, like a jackhammer..