For a food garden, i'm just doing cucumbers and tomatoes this year. Tomatoes because there's nothing better than home grown tomatoes, and cucumbers because I want to make many jars of pickles this year and give them away to friends and see if they are well received. And i'll do some herbs too, i've already planted a couple of pots of basil and will do oregano and thyme as well Then i want to do some ornamentals and beautify my yard a bit. But the only thing i've decided on in that regard is a hydrangea or two. I'll probably go to a plant nursery one day and pick some things at random, i'm bad at planning
I'm canning the vege patch this season and instead growing about 4 MJ plants. I always have a herb wall garden going. I have these prickly fern things I need to trim the dead parts off though, but they look good. They just hurt if you walk into them.
now, yeah. but that only came about recently. i had no access to weeds for most of the last few years.
this spring, I have already some okras growing, some cherry tomatoes, some spinach, and as ever, wild basil, aloe vera, lemongrass, and outside of the garden, lots of weeds I pick for herb teas..The purple string beans are just finished, but I just planted some crawling beans on fences.Plus I always have bananas.
These are the prickly ferns I was talking about. They have a weird bulb in the middle that every couple of years produces new leaves, you just cut the old ones off them to maintain shape. These are at the front window of our house.