Yes, i see the button, but i want to upload from my laptop, so i dont have a link. What do i do, what do i dooo?
You have to upload it to a photosharing website that give you a link. Or you can upload into an album on here then share it that way. I use photobucket but there are a lot of different websites out there you can use.
It'd be really big security vulnerability a browser could open and inspect local files with javascript. php and html run on servers. Built in web apps can access files like inserting local files into your email. There are firefox extensions in which you can purposefully open up these abilities and read localfiles from a browser, and then you can insert an image with javascript like this. <script> document.write("<img src='img.jpg' "); <script> Probably better for you to just upload somewhere. Google docs, photobucket, wherever.