I thought this would be a fun idea for all of us to do. So, the idea is to post an audio link to how you pronounce your name. It could just be your first name, or if you have a middle name... that one as well. If you like, you... yourself can post a link to how you say it. But, I don't think anyone is that daring on here. it's okay, though. I am not either. This is the first audio clip I found, and let me tell you that this girl sounds creepy. First Name https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PIeESZlNUa0 Middle Name https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=adA3e9FEUMc\ On a last note, my first name is actually not pronounced how it's written. It's more a shorten, nickname version of Cynthia. It's a combination of Cinda and Cyndia. I don't know how my family got to calling me that, because I'm pretty sure they know how to pronounce my actual name. My niece and nephew butchered my name even more and for them it's Sasha.
No, you're doing it wrong. I want you to post a link to it, dang it. "Tears thread down and runs away mumbling something"
jk here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8_8Pc03N-Q&list=PLl3G610JJ5pvKflM9ov7SqL-PdH-Ieube&index=39 now you know
I think that's an actual name, though. So, I'm just going to assume you have hipster parents that named you Lol! That's just how it's going to be.
i have a microphone, a junky old radio snack one, but i don't have any software to record audio input. anyway them-nax, them-naks, easy and obvious, only becomes unpronoucable if you try to sylabilize it in some odd other way.
Well Cecil is a name derived from the British Isles where it certainly ISN'T pronounced see-sill, but se-sill (it's hard to find the right phonetics I think Colin Powell's parents come from Jamaica where he would have been laughed out of school if he pronounced his name COLON as though it were part of the GI Tract. It is Collin throughout the British Isles and the Caribbean and I wouldn't be surprised if the same is true of Australasia and a few Pacific Islands In Northern Ireland we pronounce Tyrone ( a county and movie actor) as TiRONE, as opposed to TYrone, as in "y'all get your ass in here TY-rone or your mama gon' whip you However, I'm not there. Nevertheless they continue to pronounce it that way in my absence We pronounce Eilish - ay - leesh, whereas in Canada I hear eye leesh
I recently found out that there is such a thing as a 'Name Chooser' for employment. So, someone is paid to basically to do what you did just now. Giving information, providing different pronunciations, and ultimately choosing a baby name. I also found out there is such a thing as a 'Professional Cuddler'. I've seen a lot of YouTube channels that center around baby names, and they get a lot of views. So, it makes sense as to why there is such an employment. I'm sure they're making a lot of money.
depends on what you mean by actual. no it isn't the mundane name my parents gave me when i was born. but it is what i prefer to go by when i'm not signing some kind of legal document. it may be one i had before i was born into human life on planet earth. my mundane name is just too mundane for anything else. the only way it could have been more so is if my father's family had been named smith.