how do you organize a kfc protest

Discussion in 'Protest' started by annabegins, Aug 30, 2005.

  1. annabegins

    annabegins Member

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    I am interested in becoming active in this, but i doubt i can get a bunch of ppl to get out there and protest with me.

    First.... How can i find ppl that would be interested?

    and if not, i would like to at least get some pamplets and hand them out or something. Do i email peta to send me some, or make some of my own and just hand them out to ppl at , lets say, walmart or something.

    how do i approach this? I like the pamplet idea, but whats the best way to get them handed out?
  2. da420

    da420 Banned

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    jesus. the things people pick to protest these days.
  3. matthew

    matthew Almost sexy

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    Personaly i would notice how old the Peta campaign is against KFC.. see what information is outdated , before you perpetuate distortive old information [you want to be fair don't you ?].
    If you can' create your own pamphlets with you own concerns on them..that might make you feel like your being more proactive.

    Getting anything from Peta may leave you vunerable too the biases and influences of there agenda..
    If none of that bothers you or you are happy with what Peta are saying, save yourself some effort and download/print off there info..

    Looking into it myself from both POV i found some informative info on the KFC website..

    Good luck..
  4. da420

    da420 Banned

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    When we raised sheep and killed them to butcher them, we would slit thier throats. It was fairly quick, but they did flop around for a minute or three, and was a bloody way of doing it, but those lambchops were delicious though!
  5. verseau_miracle

    verseau_miracle Banned

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    Heya anna....aww adorable baby in the pic!

    Well, if you were in the UK id certainly be interested in helpin you out..but im sure therell be likeminded people around where you are. I hope you manage to produce something! even a few leaflets would help.

    As for the poster above me--do you ever consider your contribution to the world?

  6. da420

    da420 Banned

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    Yes. I provided delicious lambchops to hungry people.
  7. matthew

    matthew Almost sexy

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  8. wrat

    wrat Member

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  9. cynical_otter

    cynical_otter Bleh!

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    Amazing. You animal rights people absolutely amaze me.

    Hundreds of thousands of people right now have no homes throughout southern Lousiana and Mississippi. hundreds are probably dead. Most of the people affected were dirt poor with NO HOMES AND NO JOBS!

    And you wanna take time, energy,and money and spend it protesting KFC??!!


    Pass me the Advil,please.
  10. Jorma's Branches

    Jorma's Branches Member

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    Thousands, millions of people right now throughout most of the Middle-East have no homes. Thousands have been killed by the U.S. Coalition. Most of the people affected were dirt poor with no homes and no jobs.
    Every minute 24.7 people starve to death. 50% of South Africa has AIDS.

    People die dude. It doesn't matter where or how. It's a natural process of life. Rather them die of natural causes than systematic destruction by something globalized and posessed by bureaucrats.
    I'm not supporting PETA whining, but I do think that while it's sad, we should concentrate on the missing and dying. Our focus should be preserving and conserving the ecosystem we're a part of. That involves deglobalization and less big business controlled government.
  11. cynical_otter

    cynical_otter Bleh!

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    Fair enough. And it's dudette,not dude.

    Anyways...yes there are billions of opressed/starving/homeless people in the world. But, we can't help everyone at once.

    But right now, we can help fellow countrymen who have nothing but their lives and what little they could shove into their cars...many don't even have that.

    It's easy(easy compared to trying to save all of Africa) to help them right now, one step at a time.

    But I see nothing about helping them...instead I see a bunch of whiners who want to dress up in chicken costumes and strut around infront of KFC.

    Instead of donating time and money to PeTA's misguided about donating that extra time and money to the Red Cross and other aid organizations that are willing to go down and help these people? And animals too. The Red Cross and HSUS both have animal rescue operations for all the pets effected by the hurricane and floods.
  12. Jorma's Branches

    Jorma's Branches Member

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    Yeah "dude-ette" I mean I totally agree with you. I'm vegan, but not because of PETA's overly business elite practices. I'm vegan because it's my way of feeling in touch with my enviornment. It's healthy and I chose to do it.
    While it is nice to help people, we have to be careful. It's important to teach them global responsibility, but it's important not to force them. People will die, people will be stupid. We can't fix that. We need that. We need a ZPG because our earth is getting overly populated. My personal opinion is that over-population is the reasoning behind a recent surge in homosexual preferances and freak hurricanes like this one. I don't support war, and I don't support murder, but I do support attainment of ZPG. We're in this together. Nature will take care of us, we just have to give it a chance to breathe.
  13. jonsworld

    jonsworld Member

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    Peta Fair Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

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