Why did the Irish guy bring a paddleboat to a Grateful dead concert? He was told if he did, he'd be able to ride the Mrs Hippy
Meh. I don't get it. What does nationality have to do with the punchline of this joke? Now this one is just plain fucken hilarious
I went camping with a friend to trip on acid for his first time ever, back in the day and I brought along a Grateful Dead album. He Hated the Grateful Dead prior to the day, then I put them on, when he was about an hour into his trip and let it play for awhile, the first thing he said to me was "Now I know why people like this shit."
i am the same with blutech lol. dumbest shit ever but when on a trip or mdma or something it is good lol.
Whats the difference between a hippie chick and brakes on a volvo? With the volvo the pads get changed at least once every three years
A hippie walks into a bar and asks for a drink. The bartender insists he pays upfront. A guy nearby sees the hippie has no money so he pays for the hippies drink. After having a few drinks with the hippie the guy ask the hippie "hey come to the bathroom and give me a blowjob" the hippie starts beating the guy up. The hippies friends hold the hippie back and ask "what did the guy say that got you so mad ? The hippie responded He said something about a job.