This is a bit of a long thread but please bare with me as I am pouring my heart out. I am writing this thread here because I feel tired by my splitted behaviour inside my relationship . On one side I am the faithful, respectful, considerate, empathic and caring partner. On the other side I can't stop looking at other girls with a very strong desire to approach them and considering some affaire with them. I feel very drained and confused. I read so many articles saying that wanting to cheat is a sign that there are some needs within the relationships that are not met. But in my case , it's completely the opposite! I have every need met, which it makes me think sometimes that my relationship is too good to be true because of how great it is. Nevertheless I have an intense hunger for sex that I can't stop thinking about exploring other girls, other races and so on. Some background to put my behaviour in context : 1)I am a late bloomer, I had my first sexual experience at the age of 24. I was pretty much a nerd and I used to fantasise a lot about sex, by watching a lot of porn. (stopped watching for a year now) Only after 2 years of becoming better with women I met my girlfriend, I immediately fell in love and saw great potential in her of being an intimate partner. I gave up all the girls and contacts that I had for her. (In total it's 9 partners in 2 years but I met her in my peak of my confidence , the last weeks before meeting her , I was dating a couple of girls and feeling like finally going to discover myself by this sexual land that was awaiting for me) I know this sounds shallow as I am myself into a deep intimate relationship with a rock solid connection but I feel like I just can't help myself. 2)My dad cheated on mom a couple of times and we suffered as a family because of it. He has a very high libido which I feel like I inherited it from him. I swore to myself that I will never be like my dad but it crushes my heart that I am feeling that I have a ticking bomb inside of me named having an affaire. Today it was very strange , I felt like I was literally a robot guided by my penis. I saw a hot girl in the train station and I just found myself following her like a creep just to have extra glances at her. So I feel like no matter how much self control I have on myself, after a couple of years that moment seems inevitable . How would you approach this ? Edit : I made some soul searching about it and I thought it's because of self esteem issues that I needed an attractive girl to validate my worth as a guy who can attracts beautiful women (since it was an issue for me in the past) but the problem is that even now that I have a healthy self esteem and I don't feel the need anymore for any person to validate me , I still feel that I have an extreme urge to explore attractive young looking women . Just looking at their hair , their eyes, their legs , their tone of voice make me go crazy. I feel like I can't resist their femininity . So I am pretty confused , why this is this way
Yes because I would like to get men input into this and relationship advice as well on the other thread.
Mother Nature's love is irresistible, but she has a wicked sense of humor! What comes around goes around and around yet again, and Sting complains that he can't even look at a woman, without getting her pregnant. I hope you like kids, because that's what all the excitement is about.
This sounds pretty pessimistic. Sting is Sting but are we truly taken control over by our hormones just because we're men? There should be some solution to this.
If you aren't full of crap, you are starving to death and, if you can't work out your own crap, you're up shit creek without a paddle. A great Jedi feels the force flow through him! Without the use of harsh chemicals and suppositories. Any damned fool can get a vasectomy, so ask yourself why you hesitate. I know a woman who had her tubes tied at 21, because becoming a mother like her own mother, was a nightmare she could never escape any other way.
It sounds like you have to seriously think about whether you want to continue your relationship in a permanent fashion. She can be cool with you seeing other girls, yeah. I suppose you could just be a fabulous man who sleeps with several different women, like a bigamist or a gigolo. But you see my point. There isn't going to be a relationship between you two there, in one way or another. At least it couldn't be the same as you have now. I myself control my libido quite well. It doesn't bother me in the least, though I don't have sex. You would end up having some fun nights that would make it all worth it anyway. That's just the way life is. Bad decisions are never all bad. You can find yourself having a good time behind prison bars, I'd wager. Do you think they aren't allowed to laugh, or cry, or anything at all, and just became an elite team of supersol... Oh.
You should be asking a professional to help you get to the bottom of your issue. Sex isn't a biological need (from an individual standpoint). If any kind of impulse causes egative issues in your life, you need to get to the bottom of the cause of the impulse. If not, you and everyone who cares about you will be affected negatively to some degree.
Of course I thought about but as a student in the country where I live , it's extremely expensive and you have to wait pretty long to get an appointment. So I am looking for another alternatives now . About the root issue , please read the Edit that I added in my original thread and let me know what you think.
I'm not a psychiatrist or psychologist, so I can't give any advice about how to go about finding the root issue, other than keep searching. Maybe find online resources dealing specifically with compulsive thoughts. Just from being a guy, and being in hundreds of conversations about sex and women with friends (guys and girls) throughout my life, I can say it's natural to have women on your mind for a large percentage of your time (especially when you are young), but you should also be spending a lot of time thinking about sports, school, work, or whatever else interests my unprofessional opinion. I think only you, and/or a professional, can determine the severity of any negative impact of your "obsession"...not random people on the internet.