How do you feel about the police?

Discussion in 'U.K. Politics' started by Joshua Tree, Nov 29, 2019.

  1. Joshua Tree

    Joshua Tree Remain In Light

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    To me they are a necessary evil. There are dangerous people around who need to be dealt with. But personally I always feel uncomfortable when I pass them in the street, and also when police cars are passing me in my car. I remember one incident in London where I was walking at night past a policeman whose colleague was arresting someone, and he shouted at me 'get out of the way!' (I wasn't in the way), then he physically shoved me and almost knocked me off my feet. The police have a long history of institutional racism and corruption, especially the Met. There have been around 1,500 deaths in police custody since 1990, and I can't think of a single prosecution that I've heard of. A friend of a friend who is a white male spent some years in the force and progressed in his career, but in the end decided to leave because of the prevalence of racism he saw amongst his work colleagues. As of March 2019, 93.1% of police officers were of the white ethnic group, and 96% of senior officers.
  2. Personally here in australia i'm fine with them. I respect them highly.
    Cops aren't dangerous people.
    You need to understand that when you need them one day that you need to respect them.
  3. Adamskiffle

    Adamskiffle Members

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    I have very limited experience with them, generally I feel sorry for them because they are greatly under-resourced...beyond that I don't know really, I'm sure some are good & some are bad and most are in between. Shrugs.
  4. Kirstie

    Kirstie Members

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    The police these days are far too soft on their own professional judgement. They are restricted by a load of nonsense largely as a result of political correctness that is encouraged by people who are easily offended over petty words.

    If we're talking racism here, then if black people are really so concerned about abuse in their own communities in western countries then why not take a holiday to African nations, to witness the abuse and murder of white people - innocent just like themselves, as a result of racism?
    At the end of the day white people are a minority in the world, they just happen to gather official records better than other countries who, for the most part, do not care about facts and figures, unlike white people?

    The police many decades ago were extremely feared upon by white people - when racism wasn't even a thing in the slightest (compared to now). But these days ethnically challenged rights groups in western nations vastly seem to be getting privileged rights over the poorest of society - all in the name of multiculturalism. Its abuse of the system, on a grand scale. And dare anyone object to it in any way shape or form for you shall be met by name-shaming of racism, bigotry, xenophobia so you're opinion means absolute and utter zero, all in the name of accepting being controlled by the extreme richest of society.
  5. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor

    I have an inherent distrust of that type of authority, so my visceral reaction is one of unearned skepticism towards law enforcement. My actual experience has been mixed, though.
  6. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Mexican immigrants often have to told not to try to bribe American cops, because bribing their cops is traditional in Mexico. I'm not sure which system I prefer, but your dollar tends to go further in Mexico. The US has the largest prison system ever devised, and the local fire departments and others are increasingly being drafted into doing the work of cops. Its a franchise like McDonalds or Walmart, where you get the products and services you can afford, while the supreme court insists they can even compel people to testify against themselves. Cops tend to be well intentioned, but nobody in their right mind ever claimed Americans are sane or that our country doesn't have extensive corruption.
  7. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    Cops have helped me far more than they have hurt me
  8. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Cops are people, whether they want to be or not, at least, that's what the bartenders say.
  9. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    is this actually a thing that's happening in african nations now?

    i don't think i know very many white people who are particularly comfortable with the police now.
    morrow and Eric! like this.
  10. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    You get the service you can afford. For example, I live in Seattle where the cops are extremely friendly and armed robbery inside the city itself is practically unheard of, and its like visiting Disney World with all the tourists. However, Chicago and other places can't afford that, while the rent has gone through the roof, because its all owned by the banks. The more Libertarians trash out our legal system and constitution, the more cops become rent-a-cops. On the TV show Barney Miller, the character Fish once complained his banker asked when he was going to get a real job.

    Cops are like toilets, there when you need them if you are lucky. I know people who have personal relationships with the police, as if they are members of the family, and count on them to prevent them from killing each other and doing bad things in general. Social workers that carry guns in the wild west. Its not for everybody.
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2019
  11. Kirstie

    Kirstie Members

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    Yes, particularly South African white farmers, that the main stream media have no profiteering from, that has basically been going on for a long time that barely anyone reports on - after all if it don't fit the narrative then its fake news, it gets no clicks and so the general masses don't get to hear about it.
    CloudyMushroom likes this.
  12. I was honestly gonna post photos of such things but it was so horrible I couldn't bring myself to do it.
  13. Kirstie

    Kirstie Members

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    I know. its really horrendous. We can't do anything about it, or else we're seen as white supremacists, even though white people are literally a dying human breed.
    But you know, white people killed off the native Americans and enslaved black Africans so who cares.
    CloudyMushroom likes this.
  14. You sound exactly like me, haha!
    Kirstie likes this.
  15. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    No doubt you will think that my views are biased, since our daughter is a London police officer, but you are overlooking many facts.

    The figure for deaths include prisons, where nearly all of them take place. These fall into several categories.
    Among healthy people, most are self inflicted.
    A small handful are murders inflicted by fellow inmates.
    The rest are people dying from natural causes, mostly during a long sentence, or people whose bodies have already been wrecked by drug or alcohol abuse.
    Considering that their are currently 84,000 people in custody in the UK, 52 deaths per year is little different from the national average.

    I am sorry that you had a bad experience, but sadly during many arrests, people attempt to interfere. This has resulted in the injury of many police officers. Hopefully this will make you understand the apparent bad treatment that you received.

    It is a fact that their are a lower than population average of ethnic officers, but it is not deliberate. Our daughter had to wait 2 years for a position due to the ethnic quota shortfall.
    The recruitment criteria is very specific. No one who has been arrested in connection with a crime will be considered. This includes a drunken night out 20 years previously.
    Crime within the home background is also considered.
    This creates problems with certain ethnic groups, while few people from other minorities want to become police officers.
  16. Kirstie

    Kirstie Members

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    And yet, if not for our grandparents - who were more racist than current definitions of racism, they would've joined the Germans - sorry I mean the Nazi's. Oh sorry, am I classifying Germans and Nazi's as the same thing? Apologies. Yeah, as a Briton I have that absolute and utter right to do so - albeit not these days as its so offensive to Germans. At the end of the day we're the exact same "so-called" race so anyone crying "racist".. umm, love you too.
    CloudyMushroom likes this.
  17. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Racists believe they are a necessary evil, while the rest of humanity wishes they would grow up. Nobody in their right fucking mind needs that kind of evil, which has a long sordid history. You might as well drink poison, and it is part of the reason the workaholic Japanese, and white US and EU, are imploding faster than any other population. Smoking cigarettes just costs money to kill yourself faster, while racism is right up there with liquor. A more self-destructive lifestyle would be hard to find, as evidenced by all the evidence racists call fake news.

    Know thyself, and you may comprehend thy enemies. Racism can't survive in the light of day, which is why they shot Martin Luther King. They may kill our next president, despite the whole system being run by money now. Twenty years of the mass media spouting nonstop crap tends to bring out the ugly side in people.
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2019
  18. Kirstie

    Kirstie Members

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    As per your definition of evil. Not mine.

    You say you "while the rest of humanity would grow up"
    How's that working out in Korea? both North (dictatorship) and South (anti-pretty female beauty movements.

    How's that working out in China?
    As a "westerner" (like myself?) you're against Russia, Hong Kong, China? The principle definitions of a national democracy?
    *Shrug*? Am I being racist with this? a way of life for all peoples? Or are my own people classifying me as an evil person?
  19. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Racism is economically driven, as was the ancient Chinese custom of binding women's feet, and it is clear that the women of America are no longer up to the task of defending their own children. The more racist and fundamentalist they are, the higher their rates of rape, abortion, divorce, and suicide. You can run, but you cannot hide from your own soul, or instant karma baby! Nobody ever teaches racists how to share their words and play nice, and their population is imploding the more money they make.
  20. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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