He has been out of work for some time. He refuses to look for a job, nor put in the time or effort to get a job if the opportunity arises. And when he does get a job he either leaves it or gets fired shortly after. Now, I understand that it's hard for him, being a man and all without work. It's hard looking for a job, because it's tedious. It's also hard because you're putting all this time and effort to possibly get rejected, anyways. And if you do finally get a job, it's hard to keep it if you're not passionate about it. So, I'm sure this is why he is having trouble. What I don't know is how to remedy the situation. I'm currently out of work because of my illnesses, and living off of some money I have. But, I'm considering getting a job because I think if I get a job he might be encouraged to get one himself. It won't be anything like working with kids like I used to do, but something. Do you think that might encourage him? Oh, and he isn't sick or anything. He just doesn't want to work. If he was sick or something I wouldn't encourage him to work. Also, another reason I want him to work is because he doesn't have money coming from anywhere else. And I think it will be good for him. He gets angry a lot. And I think it's because he feels inadequate for not working.
In other words you don't know, lol. You could have just said that. But, seriously there has to be something that can be done or said. I mean... do you work, what encourages you? I'm assuming you're a man. As a man, what encourages you to work?
I would approach this from another angle. I would explain that the work environment in America has been soured by the Republicans who have over the years introduced and passed laws that favor big business, and business owners. If a worker does not like his or her job, it is often the case that the work environment is unfair. Examples are poor equality, unfair worker compensation in case one gets hurt on the job, Sexual harassment, and the good old pay scale. The Repubs always say they don't like minimum wage laws. They think we should work for pennies, not dollars. And the Repubs like at will employments which mean workers have no rights at all in the workplace. So, once you have explained life as it is in America, you can suggest that your friend can work for himself. Find a service like cutting and delivering firewood and hit the streets.
Baby steps. He may not be in the mood to work anymore if it is not a simple process to obtain work and the work itself is not simple. So for simple work present simple business ideas he can start quickest that are without any red tape in the way. Example: Lectures. Hold private lectures on what a lot of ppl might be interested in being lectured on. Charge cheap. ($5-$10 on admission into his home or $10-$20 to bring the lecture into other ppl's homes.) Get paid just to talk should be simple. Just make sure the talk is on something interesting, and comes across a bit entertaining via delivery. Another simple one is to offer to do other ppl's math homework, if you really know math. Charge $5 per math homework assignment. Do this for jr high and high school students, if you cant do college level math. Its a start.
That's an interesting take on it. I just don't know how successfully telling him to work for himself would be. I don't even know what service he would give to people. I have tried telling him to go back to school and get a job that way. Honestly, I don't know why he doesn't want to work.
He isn't very good with school stuff, so that is a straight no. The speech thing actually does sound like a good idea for him, because he loves talking. But, I don't know how he would feel about public speaking. Also, I'm not sure if he has a topic entertaining enough to talk about.
He lives off of me, my sister, my mom, and sometimes my brother. And yes, it bothers a few people. It even bothers him.
Time to show how reality works if you guys weren't there! Not advising to kick him on the streets (that's the last resort )
My brother has suggested all of us cutting him off. That is why I say sometimes for him. But, no... that's not an option. Psh.
I can tell you that work sucks. Society is structured completely inefficiently. Perhaps you could let him know that you understand this as well. A little empathy might help.
IMO there is nothing you can do People either are or they aren't (insert whichever adjective) Dont think Ive ever seen anything that turns lazy asses into workaholics, in the long term anyway Cut and run
I wouldn't encourage anyone to work, but I also wouldn't encourage them to leach off someone who does.
You can do this by scheduling appointments w/ people on when to come, so that it is as good as no crowd really at all. But I have learned that people who do seminars (a different thing than lectures), hold them in front of large crowds at rentable hotel ball rooms or rentable banquet halls, and they can charge like around $800 per head. These types usually have material to even pass out, and do provide refreshments. I wish I had seminar material, but I don't. Lecturing is way easier to do than a seminars. I actual do lectures as a hobby, and not for money, but was thinking about having a more special lecture I could charge for in some day in the future. And my idea was to work by a window of time daily, minus holidays. A 30 minute window. And a window way in the morning (so it would not be in the way of ppl's work time or school hours) or a window in the evening. You can create an original subject on something that might draw interest or you can find a subject that a majority or a specific target audence is interested in. Things that can help delivery is a sense of humor here and there, or get into doing different character voices for different sides to certain kinds of subjects. Example: If the lecuture is on criminal activity in your city, you can have a voice and dialogue of typical cops and also have a voice and dialogue of typical criminals. Etc. The entertainment side of lecturing is up to the lecuturer. The key is to sell it not tell it. Selling grabs ppl. Telling is so plain that it just doesnt grab ppl. I learned this from 2pac who'd always say "The game is to be sold, not told". Why else is he considered greatest of all time in hip hop/rap? His subjects and how he delivered them were very impressive, which is what can be classify him as selling, not telling.
Give him a choice, put into the pot, like everyone else, or go sponge out of another pot! No one can live for free, he needs reminding of that! When my kids were younger, they never got "pocket" money, they were reminded, the money they wanted, didn't just arrive at the house! So they had to do jobs to earn.. Now personally I think it worked, as non of my kids have ever been out of work! They also know, if you want something, you have to save for it!
Add: In short, selling is more dimensional than telling. If you went into a school for an eduction, and the lighting sucked and the teacher sounded 1 dimensional with his voice, then that school isnt really selling to you, is it? Of course not. Dimensions are you friend. I can make an example on costumer services that don't sell and ones that do sell. The c.e.o. over a company doesn't know how to structure the costumer service so that it sells, is what it is when a costumer service sucks to a company in many of its buildings of operation.
I labor on a goat far for meat and sometimes some other perks. Sometimes a bit off the rent, an item or two from a store, also I like having access to organic goat manure.
The key is right there in your own words "...why he doesn't want to ..." I think if he can HAVE DIGNITY during work, then he might like it. Under America's Corporate Command Economy there is little dignity allowed in the Republican controlled workplace. So, your friend stands a better chance if he works for himself, acquires dignity and better pay while at it, and starts to like it when he sees the fruit of his own labor which did not get siphoned off by Republicans.