How Do You Deal With The Fact That You Are Going To Die?

Discussion in 'Philosophy and Religion' started by RichardTheFrog, Nov 7, 2014.

  1. RichardTheFrog

    RichardTheFrog Newbie

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    I do not mean this in the philosophical sense. I mean it in the factual sense that I am doing to die. I am not religious. I do not believe in after life. It bothers me. What can I do? Do I just make the most of the time that I'm here? Are there things that I should be doing before I go? I am not that old. I have no reason to believe that I will die any time soon, but I still think about it.
  2. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Nobody is getting any farther away from death...
  3. r0llinstoned

    r0llinstoned Gute Nacht, süßer Prinz

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    I dont give a fuck. Ima be a glue stick in my next life
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  4. aesthetic

    aesthetic Z

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    I uh, prepare. The best I can.
  5. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    i dont deal with it at all...wont be my problem when it happens
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  6. Harpo

    Harpo Member

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    Before I was born the universe got along ok without me.
    After I'm gone the universe will just have to cope.
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  7. relaxxx

    relaxxx Senior Member

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    Life is a ride, not a destination.
    We are the lucky ones, over 99.99% of consciousness that ever existed on this planet probably had it worse than any of us on here.
    So with that, my only fear is coming back.
    100 trillion years goes by in a flash when you don't exist.
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  8. ginalee14

    ginalee14 eternity

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    How do I deal with the fact that I'm going to die? You want a peek inside of my morbid living grave of unburied death? lol

    Technically, you should prepare with a Will & Testament so your personal belongings are decided by you, not others, and your final arrangements are decided by you and honored. For example, if you want to be buried a certain way or if you want to be cremated. There is a real TEST in life and the test is if you're prepared to die.

    Preparing mentally and emotionally is easy. You simply accept that death is a part of life and every body dies. It's something EVERY body has to do and will do. As for what it's like to die, that could drive a person crazy if they dwell on it for too long. There are so many ways to die .. disease, accident, poisoning, homicide, old age. Only the BODY dies. The inner being just leaves the body.
  9. Deranged

    Deranged Senor Member

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    Stop sleeping. Sleeping takes time away from enjoying life
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  10. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    I do not regard it as a fact that I will die until it has happened.
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  11. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    Accept it, and don't waste too much time thinking about it. What else can you do? Nothing, really.
  12. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    But you already told us.

    You get an expensive car so that you can try to womanize your way into having children so that you can pass on your genes. Hey, if you don't, some rapper will.
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  13. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Ditto....... :D
  14. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Deal with it, move on and stay out of the way of _______________.
  15. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    ^and it can stay the hell out of my way, too..... :D
  16. RichardTheFrog

    RichardTheFrog Newbie

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    Stay out of the way of what?

    Are there some things you need to do before you die? I didn't say I was scared of the feeling of death and I am in no way worried about a will. That is easy and not the point.

    If you died right now, would you be satisfied with what you did here and thought it was a good life or a bad one? If not, what could you do to make it better?
  17. RainyDayHype

    RainyDayHype flower power Lifetime Supporter

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    Eh. I'll deal with it when it happens.
  18. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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    I only plan to keep paying forward, to the next generation. When I can produce no more, then I'll rest and hang out on the farm a while. Personally, I have had too many occasions to have faith, so I do. I'm not in league with any church and I don't believe in hell. I figure if I'm decent with people and I don't take psychotic pleasure in harming others, I should be OK with any God, should there be one.

    Religion is interesting in how it has developed, so much of it before coordinated written language. It was during that time it was probably the most stable Only when it went down on paper did we see it change. But the same can be said for the rest of society during much of the same periods. But the plain fact of the matter, no matter how complicated the religious books are written, they still have a common flaw, they were written by people. Not Gods.

    Gods have an entirely different canvas for their artworks. If we advance after death or just become dust, how we live now still has great value. Be cool to the souls you encounter.
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  19. ginalee14

    ginalee14 eternity

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    Stay out of the way of what you know will kill you, presumably.

    If I died right now, the sun would shine so bright you'd all need sunglasses.
  20. Okiefreak

    Okiefreak Senior Member

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    I can't get worried about something that's inevitably going to happen. I think the awareness of it makes me take care of my health to prolong my life as much as possible, and to try to cram in as many of the things I want to do (mostly reading about the meaning of life) while it lasts. I have enough books on that subect to go though that it will be a close race, and I can see myself saying "Lord, just give me another hour to finish this 'meaning of life' book! " But if I don't get it all done, c'est la vie. I don't expect to be aware of it after the big event, which raises the question what difference, if any, did it all make? I get some satisfaction from the fact that I've impacted lots of people in what I hope is a postitive way. I'm planning to have them play at my funeral:"It was just one of those things!"

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