How Do You Cure Your Depression When You Have It?

Discussion in 'Mental Health' started by RichardTheFrog, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. RichardTheFrog

    RichardTheFrog Newbie

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    when you get depressed, what do you do to relieve it?
  2. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    do something that interests me, but it's tricky because the more depressed I am the more I find doing these things to be exhausting and the less interested I am in doing them.

    depression is a prison inside your own mind
  3. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    Exercise helps some people.
  4. RainyDayHype

    RainyDayHype flower power Lifetime Supporter

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    Get happy. (Do whatever makes you happy)
  5. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    sushi.. :D
  6. RichardTheFrog

    RichardTheFrog Newbie

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    hallucinogens!!!! 1000s of them!!!!!
  7. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    bad idea to trip in a negative state of mind..likely to have a bad trip
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  8. RichardTheFrog

    RichardTheFrog Newbie

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    I think all drugs are bad these days. But I'm still a caffeine addict. I can't break addiction, but at least caffeine isn't soooo bad.
  9. Gongshaman

    Gongshaman Modus Lascivious

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    Yep, strenuous exercise releases dopamines. Good shit.

    There's also surmounting evidence gut bacteria play a huge role in neurological health.
    "The human genome codes for approximately 23,000 genes,1 yet some experts have suggested that the total information coded by the human genome alone is not enough to carry out all of the body’s biological functions.2 A growing number of studies suggest that part of what determines how the human body functions may be not only our own genes, but also the genes of the trillions of microorganisms that reside on and in our bodies."

    "...researchers have suggested a link between the gut–brain axis and neuropsychiatric disorders such as autism, depression, and eating disorders. The gut contains microorganisms that share a structural similarity with the neuropeptides involved in regulating behavior, mood, and emotion—a phenomenon known as molecular mimicry."

    So have some kimchi, and go for a long bike ride. :)

    Try this exercise; see how long you can ride (or walk) without talking to yourself in your head... "the mind of no mind" Observing the world without discerning's a lot harder than it sounds.

    Most of what we think isn't our true minds anyway, it's a foreign installation.
    I'm referring here to the writings of Carlos Casteneda and the parallels to Gnostic teachings succinctly outlined in this article by Jon Lash The Active Side of Infinity, Don Juan tells Castaneda that,

    “the predators give us their mind, which becomes our mind.”

    This alarming statement suggests an immediate parallel to Gnostic teachings.
    Gnostics, who directed the Mystery Schools of the Near East in antiquity, taught that the true mind of human beings, nous authenticos, is part of the cosmic intelligence that pervades nature, but due to the intrusion of the Archons, this “native mind” or "native genius" can be subverted and even occupied by another mind.

    They warned that the Archons invade the human psyche, they intrude mentally and psychologically, although they may also confront us physically as well. Their main impact, however, is in our mental syntax, in our paradigms and beliefs, exactly as Don Juan says of the flyers.

    Don Juan tells Castaneda that the predator’s mind is,

    “a cheap model: economy strength, one size fits all.”
    This description fits the hive-mentality of the Archons.

    Sorcerers call this uniform alien mind,
    “the foreign installation, which exists in you and in every other human being.”

    The foreign installation pulls us out of our syntax.
    It deranges our indigenous abilities to organize the world according to the language proper to our species. The role of correct syntax in the sorcerer’s mastery of intent is one of the central factors in the later teachings of Don Juan. The sorcerer’s concern for deviation of syntax, and consequent derouting of intent, parallels the importance of language and correct definition emphasized in Gnostic teaching.

    Don Juan makes a number of statements pertinent to strategies against alien intrusion.

    He says that the sorcerers of ancient times,

    found out that if they taxed the flyers’ mind with inner silence, the foreign installation would flee, giving to any one of the practitioners involved in this maneuver the total certainty of the mind’s foreign origin.”

    Or maybe it's just bad gut bacteria... :devil:
  10. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Furious masturbation, or Furious mutual masturbation

    Not that I have time to get depressed, usually touching myself too much
  11. RichardTheFrog

    RichardTheFrog Newbie

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    I have heard other theories on how the 23,000 genes can code for the 100,000 or so proteins, and it is that the genes interact with each other after being transcribed in the cells.
  12. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Changing my lifestyle and eating a low carb/high fat diet completely cured my depression and anxiety.
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  13. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Women suffer depression at 3 or 4 times the rate of men, probably from having to listen to themselves talk ( and a big hello to all my female fans out there ;) )

    With Men that spike in rates of depressions happens in their 50s, basically once they loose constant wood, or are long term unemployed, ie not kept busy. Yet the suicide rates for men are highest early 20s

    The suicide rate does not match up with the depression rate, at all
  14. RichardTheFrog

    RichardTheFrog Newbie

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    Yea but there's Viagra now.

    And I HATE working. Lol.

    It's my LEAST favorite thing.

    I've put in my "hours" is other ways and I have nothing to prove at some stupid job.
  15. Dancing in the Mists

    Dancing in the Mists Member

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    Seriously? I may have to try that.
  16. r0llinstoned

    r0llinstoned Gute Nacht, süßer Prinz

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    Ketogenic diet..
  17. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Achieving ketosis is a bit extreme, not sure I'd ever be able to do that long term, solely really because of my love for barista coffee, that freshly made cup of full caff full cream milk awesomeness mmmmmm

    But everything else about the keto/paleo thing, grass fed anything tastes awesome, any fish in coconut oil, OMG so much better, and cacao powder OMG OMG OMG. And the next to no carbs / sugar bread muffin things do actually tase better and keep you full all day.

    You do notice it when its been a couple weeks of no bread, next to no starch / sugar then you go try have a big feed of unsaturated refined crap on a big bread roll, then you are like OMG I want to throw up
  18. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    You can still drink coffee and maintain ketosis.
  19. Monkey Boy

    Monkey Boy Senior Member

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    Go for a run.
  20. RichardTheFrog

    RichardTheFrog Newbie

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    I do 3 jumping jacks and then fall asleep winded.
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