I am writing my first book and I need a few questions answered. First, how do I go about getting a government grant for writing a book? Second, what are the best known publishers to be associated with? Third, I read somewhere that I will need an agent before any company will even consider publishing my book. Last, how much money does it take to have a book published?
government grants suck, soon enough I'll be able to get a grant for jacking off and smoking pot all day. Sorry that this was'nt constructive post, I did'nt mean to get you hopes up or anything.
I have heard of government grants being offered for doing translations (say translating Korean folktales into English), but rarely for regular novels.
---I am currently writing a book proposal and I have worked as a part-time freelance writer for two years now. here is my opinion: I am writing my first book and I need a few questions answered. First, how do I go about getting a government grant for writing a book? ---Unless you have a track record as a writer, I imagine that you don't. 1/3rd of people start a book, very few of them see one published. Funders generally only back people with a history of carrying projects through. To increase your chances of getting funding you might consider; getting a publisher interested and asking for an advance, writing in an area where you are a recognised expert, trawling very broadly for funding (are you a minority, are there funders interested in the book topic...), or writing part time whilst working a normal job. Second, what are the best known publishers to be associated with? ---This absolutely and fully depends upon what you are writing. Bad publishers are just bad, but good ones specialise (westerns, academic anthroplogy, feminist sf --) Third, I read somewhere that I will need an agent before any company will even consider publishing my book. ---Not true. Agents are helpful but many publisher accept manuscripts directly, most of the rest require a query letter and based in it they will decide whether to request the manuscript. Go for agents and publishers at the same time, but only after you have finished the book. Last, how much money does it take to have a book published? ---None. ---I don't pay to write, I get paid for it. At the very least I expect a free copy of the magazine my work appears in, generally I want cash or royalties. If you are being asked for money it is either a scam, or vanity publishing. Em.
Grants in aid of writing: http://www.fundsforwriters.com/grants.htm http://www.pw.org/mag/0307/deadlines.htm
The NEA gives grants to writers every two or three years. Check out thier web site. But the rest of your questions seem to indicate that you're not even close to being ready for one. Having no manuscript and worrying about who you want to publish your as-yet-non-existent book is a daydreamers approach. Writers write- and worry about making a sale latter.
Personally I find it easier to write with a market in mind and an awareness of what type/length of manuscript is saleable.